2020-01-25 New Scientist International Edition

(Barré) #1
Yes, I will help Syrian refugee families
survive the winter

Please accept my gift of: £75 £150 £225 My own choice of £

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With £75, you can give a winter
survival kit containing:
Families left their homes with
nothing. A simple blanket
could save a life.
For insulation. Keeps the cold
out and the warmth in.
Hats, gloves, scarves and coats
to keep families warm, both
inside and outside of shelters.
For heating and cooking.
An absolute essential.
Give £75 now. Visit unhcr.org/hanaa
or call 0800 029 3883
Please post urgently to: Freepost UNHCR. You do not need a stamp. NSCPAWI19C
Will you give
£75 to help a
refugee family
to keep out
the bitter
winter cold?
“The winter is hard.
There is a lot of wind
and it’s freezing cold
during storms.”

  • Hanaa

If^ you^ lived^ h

would^ you^ sur

the^ winter?

When they arrived in
Lebanon after fleeing Syria
in fear for their children’s
lives, Hanaa and her
husband Abdul had
no savings and
no money to pay
rent. The only
place they could
find to live was the
unfinished building
you can see on
your right.
There were no exterior
walls. For two consecutive
winters the family had to
huddle together in the centre
of the ‘room’ in a desperate
attempt to keep warm. They
felt every blast of icy wind
and were at terrible risk of
respiratory diseases like
tuberculosis and pneumonia.
It is a miracle the family
survived, but they cannot
rely on another miracle
this winter. UNHCR, the UN
Refugee Agency, needs

your support to help parents
protect their children
this winter.
Please will you give
£75 to provide a refugee
family like Hanaa’s with a
Winter Survival Kit to protect
against the
freezing weather?
The kit contains essentials
such as a heating stove,
thermal blankets, warm
clothes and a tarpaulin for
insulation. For a family like
Hanaa’s who are struggling

to make ends meet and living
in a desperately exposed
shelter, It could mean
Right now, with the situation
in Syria uncertain, 1.7 million
refugees in Lebanon and
Jordan remain unable to
return home. They are
living, like Hanaa’s family,
in unfinished or derelict
buildings, or in makeshift
shelters made of little more
than wood and plastic
sheeting. With temperatures

falling, the lives of the most
vulnerable – young children,
pregnant women and the
elderly – are at grave risk.
With a gift of £75 you can
provide a Winter Survival Kit
containing a stove, blankets,
warm clothes and a tarpaulin
to help a family insulate
their home.
Please give today –
you could save the
lives of children
like Hanaa’s.

Give £
to provide a Syrian
refugee family
with a Winter
Survival Kit
Free download pdf