2020-01-25 New Scientist International Edition

(Barré) #1
25 January 2020 | New Scientist | 23


SYCHIC readings, energy
healing and vampire
facials are just a few of
the adventures had by actor and
alternative health guru Gwyneth
Paltrow and her team in her new
Netflix series The Goop Lab. Goop,
Paltrow’s natural health firm, is
already a byword for unrestrained
woo, but the TV series takes things
to the next level. Instead of
turning it off, we should view it
to learn how to spot bad science.
Like a car crash unfolding in
front of me, once I started
watching the show I couldn’t look
away. In fact, it is so bad it is good:
a masterclass in how to use logical
fallacies, non sequiturs and cherry-
picking to defend pseudoscience.
Take the episode on energy
healing, also known as Reiki
healing. Practitioners say they can
see and manipulate energy fields
around people’s bodies that are
invisible to the rest of us.
This looks as outlandish as it
sounds. While the “patient” lies on
a massage table, the practitioner
touches or waves his hands over
their body to twiddle their fields
into place. Members of the Goop
team jerk and arch their backs –
they are either true believers or are
going to heroic lengths to suck up
to their boss. Most say they feel
better afterwards, although one
says it felt like an exorcism.
As proof that it works, the show
wheels out a 57-year-old man who
says the technique cured him of
numbness in his legs after cancer
treatment. But this kind of nerve
JOSdamage often fades with time, and





Clare Wilson is the author of Health
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The columnist
James Wong on
claims that food is
less nutritious p24

cities need room to
play too p26

Making an artificial
glacier in the
Himalayas p28

Why civil rights go
hand in hand with
access to IT p30

Culture columnist
Jacob Aron on games
that tell the story of
evolution p32

the show doesn’t say how many
people try it without success.
The practitioner says “the
technology’s not quite there
to measure energy healing” – a
textbook evasion. While we may
not be able to quantify these
apparent energy fields, there is
nothing to stop measurement of
the healing part in a randomised
controlled trial. The team also cites
quantum physics and the double-
slit experiment, which shows that
light can act like both waves and
particles, although the relevance
of this to energy healing is unclear.
These kinds of alternative
therapies may seem harmless, but

when people rely on them to treat
serious illnesses it can be deadly.
People with cancer who use
complementary therapies tend to
reject conventional treatment and
so can be less likely to survive their
disease than those who don’t. The
show states at the beginning of
each episode that people shouldn’t
take it as medical advice, but the
impact of a 10-second disclaimer
seems tiny compared with half
an hour of beautiful Californians
saying how awesome they feel.
In another episode, Paltrow’s
personal medium comes on and
claims to be getting messages
from the dead. She calls out a few

initials and words, a lot of which
don’t hit home, but the few that
do provoke open-mouthed
admiration from the Goop team.
Paltrow also has a vampire facial
during the series, in which her
face is injected with platelet-rich
plasma made from her own blood.
It’s true, as the show claims, that
platelets contain substances that
promote healing. But despite
intense efforts, practitioners have
failed to show platelet-rich plasma
has convincing effects on tissue
repair in large, randomised trials.
The most annoying part of
the show for me is when Paltrow
paints resistance to her credo
as anti-feminist, when the Goop
website feels like an online version
of the most regressive women’s
magazine, telling readers they
need to spend time and money on
diet and beauty regimes. Paltrow
complains that women face
pressure to “look a certain way”.
It’s a bit rich from a Hollywood
actor who flogs £125 face creams.
Still, Goop was valued at a
quarter of a billion dollars in 2018,
so Paltrow has clearly found an
effective business model. She was
quoted in The New York Times as
saying that controversies just
led to more people visiting her
website, letting her “monetise
those eyeballs”. It’s hard not to
suspect that criticism of The Goop
Lab won’t bother Paltrow one bit. ❚

Pseudoscience on TV

Alternative health show The Goop Lab on Netflix demonstrates
just how easy it is to fall for bad science, says Clare Wilson
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