The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)
Clancy published four more popular and success- ful novels during the 1980’s, includingRed Storm Ris- ing(1986),Patriot Games(19 ...
Many innovations, however, began to revitalize the classical genre. Vinyl recordings were reissued digitally on CD, making class ...
Two significant works emerged from this period,Sil- ver Ladders(1986) and the firstFanfare for the Uncom- mon Woman(1986). Impac ...
After completing college, Close sought opportuni- ties to work as an actor. In 1974, she obtained a posi- tion with New York’s P ...
relativism, blaming anthropologist Margaret Mead for the former and sociologist Max Weber for the lat- ter. He identified Karl M ...
work invested in portable satellites and widening its cable network. The CNN news organization was a mix of veteran journalists, ...
and its commitment to international coverage ex- posed viewers to a global perspective. In 1989, the world watched CNN as tanks ...
Philadelphia faced disabled subways and trains on the Monday following Cold Sunday. The death toll rose, as over 280 deaths were ...
although he rarely referred to it by name. In 1980, however, he proclaimed it to be over, announcing that the United States woul ...
Union that, in the event of a confrontation, they might have to be launched “on warning,” rather than in response to a confirmed ...
and U.S.-Soviet arms reduction talks collapsed when Gorbachev tied Soviet arms reductions to the aban- donment of the U.S. SDI p ...
ties at home as much as by his awareness of the dan- gers of nuclear confrontation and his growing trust of President Reagan. At ...
Through writing the letters, however, she gains a means of expression and eventually strength. The arrival of her husband’s form ...
jects are not always known, the colorists must rely on common sense, aesthetics, and their own judgment. Often research into stu ...
black-and-white cinematography they replaced or of contemporary films originally shot in color. The cost of colorizing remained ...
pool lanes became fairly common on freeways in the 1980’s, one comic told a joke about driving with two pet dogs wearing tiny ha ...
Some 1980’s comedians made jokes about dark subjects like death, rape, drugs, war, and terrorism. With the Vietnam War only rece ...
See also Action films; African Americans;Cosby Show, The; Film in the United States; Letterman, Da- vid; Martin, Steve; Murphy, ...
Although it lost some of its countercultural edge, shunning the drug humor that had been a mainstay earlier in its run,Doonesbur ...
1976 as a demographically targeted strip originally based on Guisewite’s own life. Nearly everyCathy strip revolved around the m ...
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