Quarterly50 (Winter, 1986): 487-501. Hammond
analyzes the political persuasion of the yuppie
population, noting the group’s liberal stance on
personal life choices, but he also contends that
the group is not always as conservative on social
welfare issues as portrayed by the media.
Hertzberg, Hendrik. “The Short Happy Life of the
American Yuppie.” InCulture in an Age of Money:
The Legacy of the 1980’s in America, edited by
Nicolaus Mills. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1990. A sa-
tirical essay about the moral and political decline
of yuppiedom.
Gayla Koerting
See also Advertising;Big Chill, The; Business and
the economy in the United States; Consumerism;
Demographics of the United States;Dynasty; Fads;
Food trends;Hill Street Blues;L.A. Law; Power dress-
ing; Reaganomics;thirtysomething;When Harr y Met
1074 Yuppies The Eighties in America