The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(Nandana) #1

The Eighties in America Legislation: Major U.S. Legislation  1099

Year Legislation Significance

1981 International Security and
Development Cooperation Act

Authorized two-year appropriations, including credits and loans, for
security and development assistance programs; directed the president to
review items on the U.S. Munitions List in order to eliminate
unnecessary export controls.

1981 Uniformed Services Pay Act Increased pay, allowances, and benefits to members of the armed
services and their dependents; added three occupations to the list of
hazardous-duty positions.

1981 Education Consolidation and
Improvement Act

Consolidated programs, creating a single block grant to states for
elementary and secondary schools; continued programs for some
disadvantaged children.

1981 Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Construction Grant Amendments

Reauthorized the federal sewer construction grant program though
fiscal year 1985; directed states to conduct a review of water quality

1981 National Tourism Policy Act Created the U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration within the
Department of Commerce; augmented the federal government’s role in
promoting foreign travel in the United States.

1981 Steel Industry Compliance
Extension Act

Enacted procedures to permit the steel industry to extend Clear Air Act
compliance deadlines.

1982 Voting Rights Act Amendments Renewed selected provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act for another
twenty-five years; established guidelines for eliminating preclearance
requirement; approved funding for bilingual election materials for
specified groups.

1982 Boland Amendments Prohibited the United States’ assistance to paramilitary groups trying to
overthrow the government of Nicaragua or to provoke hostilities
between Nicaragua and Honduras.

1982 Bus Regulatory Reform Act Deregulated certain aspects of the passenger bus industry; mandated
cooperation between the Interstate Commerce Commission and the
states to monitor intrastate compliance with the act.

1982 Small Business Innovation
Development Act

Reserved a specified portion of federal agency research and
development budgets for small businesses; required participating
agencies to establish small business innovation programs.

1982 Fiscal Year 1983 Supplemental

Provided $14.2 billion in new budget authority; enacted after an
override of President Ronald Reagan’s veto.

1982 Federal Courts Improvement Act Created the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC); granted
CAFC jurisdiction over appeals of patent cases and of Merit Systems
Protection Board decisions.

1982 Prompt Payment Act Required federal agencies to pay an interest penalty on overdue
payments for rental property or services.

1982 Intelligence Identities Protection

Designed to protect the identity of undercover intelligence agents;
added a new provision to the National Security Act of 1947 specifying
penalties for identifying secret agents.
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