The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(Nandana) #1


This bibliography lists books containing substantial material about a wide variety of topics pertaining to the
1980’s. Additional works, and especially works on narrower subjects, can be found in the “Further Readings”
notes at the end of every essay inThe Eighties in America.

Books are listed under the following seven categories:

  1. General Works................ 1156

  2. Politics and Politicians........... 1156

  3. Race..................... 1156

  4. Supreme Court............... 1157
    5. Foreign Policy and Events.......... 1158
    6. Culture and Entertainment......... 1159
    7. Homosexuality................ 1160

  5. General Works
    Carroll, Peter.It Seemed Like Nothing Happened: Amer-
    ica in the 1970’s. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers
    University Press, 1990. Carroll examines the 1970’s
    and explains why the decade was more significant
    than it appeared at the time. This history of the
    previous decade provides background informa-
    tion for better understanding the events of the
    Johnson, Haynes.Sleepwalking Through Histor y: Amer-
    ica in the Reagan Years. New York: W. W. Norton,
    1991. Johnson argues that the United States in
    the 1980’s was lulled to sleep by Ronald Reagan,
    while the country’s ills, particularly the gap be-
    tween the rich and the poor, intensified. He con-
    demns Reagan for weakening America’s constitu-
    tional system and for lowering public concern
    about the nation’s problems.

  6. Politics and Politicians
    Collins, Robert M.Transforming America: Politics and
    Culture During the Reagan Years. New York: Colum-
    bia University Press, 2006. While America had a
    growing pride in itself during Ronald Reagan’s
    presidency, the country also became more di-
    vided. Collins examines the source of both the
    pride and the division, focusing his explanation
    on Reagan. He also discusses other issues, includ-
    ing what he views as a divide between religious
    and secular forces. Includes photographs and a
    short bibliography.
    Cook, Ramsay.Teeth of Time: Remembering Pierre Elliott
    Trudeau. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University
    Press, 2006. Cook, a longtime friend and political
    supporter of Trudeau, reflects on the private life
    and public career of the former Canadian prime

minister. Cook examines the political issues, in-
cluding constitutional reform and nationalism,
which Trudeau strove to address throughout his
Craig, Barbara Hinkson, and David M. O’Brien.
Abortion and American Politics. Chatham, N.J.:
Chatham House, 1993. The authors chronicle
the political controversy surrounding abortion
rights, describing the interaction between states,
the federal government, interest groups, the Su-
preme Court, Congress, and the president. The
book covers the period between the Supreme
Court rulings inRoe v. Wade(1973) andPlanned
Parenthood v. Casey(1992).
Shilts, Randy.And the Band Played On: People, Politics,
and the AIDS Epidemic. New York: Penguin, 1988.
This work examines the early history of the AIDS
epidemic, from the disease’s origin until 1984,
when the United States began making serious
efforts to combat the illness. Shilts argues that
the conservative Reagan administration and the
American public, including gay leaders, tried to
sweep the epidemic under the rug, which re-
sulted in a delay in treating the disease.
Tygiel, Jules.Ronald Reagan and the Triumph of Ameri-
can Conservatism. New York: Longman, 2006. This
book explores how Ronald Reagan symbolized
the accomplishments of the conservative politi-
cal movement. Tygiel discusses Reagan’s achieve-
ment, failings, and the issues he failed to address.

  1. Race
    Carter, Dan T.From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich:
    Race in the Conservative Counterrevolution, 1963-
    1994. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University
    Press, 1996. This study of the role of racial issues

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