Presidential elections.SeeElections
in the United States, 1980;
Elections in the United States,
1984; Elections in the United
States, 1988
Prince............... 778
Prozac............... 780
Psychology............ 781
Public Enemy........... 783
Quayle, Dan........... 785
Quebec English sign ban.... 787
Quebec referendum of
1980.............. 788
Racial discrimination...... 790
Radon............... 791
Raging Bull............ 793
Raiders of the Lost Ark....... 795
Rambo.............. 796
Ramirez, Richard.SeeNight
Stalker case
Rap.SeeHip-hop and rap
Rape............... 797
Rather, Dan............ 798
Reagan, Nancy.......... 799
Reagan, Ronald......... 801
Reagan assassination
attempt............ 805
Reagan Democrats........ 807
Reagan Doctrine......... 808
Reagan Revolution........ 809
Reaganomics........... 809
Reagan’s “Evil Empire”
speech............. 813
Volume III
Complete List of Contents.... xlix
Recessions............ 815
Recreation.SeeHobbies and
Regan, Donald.......... 816
Rehnquist, William H....... 817
Religion and spirituality in
Canada............ 818
Religion and spirituality in the
United States......... 819
R.E.M................ 822
Retton, Mary Lou........ 823
Reykjavik Summit........ 824
Rice, Jerry............ 826
Richie, Lionel.......... 827
Richler, Mordecai........ 828
Ride, Sally............. 829
Rivera, Geraldo.......... 830
Roberts v. United States Jaycees... 831
Robertson, Pat.......... 832
RoboCop.............. 833
Robots.............. 834
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame... 834
Rock music, women in.SeeWomen
in rock music
Rose, Pete............. 837
Run-D.M.C............. 838
Runaway children.SeeMissing and
runaway children
Ryan, Nolan........... 839
S&L crisis.SeeSavings and loan
(S&L) crisis
St. Elsewhere............ 841
San Ysidro McDonald’s
massacre............ 842
Sauvé, Jeanne........... 843
Savings and loan (S&L)
crisis.............. 844
Scandals............. 846
Schnabel, Julian......... 848
School vouchers debate..... 849
Schreyer, Edward......... 852
Schroeder, Pat.......... 852
Schwarzenegger, Arnold..... 854
Science and technology..... 855
Science-fiction films....... 859
Scorsese, Martin......... 863
SDI.SeeStrategic Defense
Initiative (SDI)
Senate bombing.SeeU.S. Senate
Sequels.............. 864
SETI Institute........... 866
sex, lies, and videotape....... 867
Sexual harassment........ 868
Shamrock Summit........ 870
Shepard, Sam........... 871
Shields, Brooke.......... 872
Shultz, George P.......... 873
Simmons, Richard........ 874
Sioux City plane crash...... 874
Sitcoms.............. 876
Skinheads and neo-Nazis.... 878
SkyDome............. 879
Slang and slogans........ 880
Slogans.SeeSlang and slogans
Smith, Samantha......... 882
Smoking and tobacco...... 884
Soap operas............ 885
Soccer............... 887
Social Security reform...... 889
Soviet Union and North
America............ 891
Space exploration........ 894
Space shuttle program...... 896
Special effects.......... 901
Spielberg, Steven......... 903
Spirituality.SeeReligion and
spirituality in Canada; Religion
and spirituality in the United
Sports............... 904
Spotted owl controversy..... 908
Springsteen, Bruce........ 909
Standards and accountability
in education.......... 911
Star Search............. 912
Star Trek: The Next
Generation........... 913
“Star Wars” defense system.See
Strategic Defense Initiative
Starbucks............. 914
Stark, USS.SeeUSSStark
Statue of Liberty restoration
and centennial........ 915
Stealth fighter.......... 918
Steel, Danielle.......... 919
Sting............... 920
Stock market crash.SeeBlack
Monday stock market crash
Stockton massacre........ 921
Stone, Oliver........... 922
Strategic Defense Initiative
(SDI)............. 923
Streep, Meryl........... 925
Complete List of Contents