The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(Nandana) #1

become a staple of children’s television. The show,
which had garnered critical praise for its innovative
approaches to early childhood education and posi-
tive representation of harmonious, multiethnic
neighborhoods, continued this trend in the 1980’s,
as it attempted to explore relevant social issues while
still entertaining and educating children. Like many
popular American programs,Sesame Streetalso aired
in Canada. However, the Canadian version ofSesame
Streetwas not strictly an American import; in fact,
many episodes included up to fifteen minutes of
original material produced in Canada.
Building on its success from the previous decade,
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhoodcontinued to be an ac-
claimed children’s program during the 1980’s. Like
Sesame Street,Mister Rogers’ Neighborhoodattempted to
stay abreast of current social and cultural topics
while remaining grounded in the focused, inclusive
approach to education that made the show a success.
Another fixture on PBS wasReading Rainbow,

which debuted in 1983. The program, hosted by
Levar Burton, strove to foster literacy in young chil-
dren. PBS also produced a science education series,
3-2-1 Contact, which educated children about com-
plex scientific principles through simplified expla-
nations and demonstrations using everyday objects.
The Canadian counterpart to3-2-1 Contact was
Wonderstruck. Hosted by Bob McDonald, Wonder-
struckduplicated3-2-1 Contact’s intent to provide sci-
entific education through simplistic methods and
Pinwheel, a children’s educational show that aired
on Nickelodeon during the 1980’s, followed the tra-
ditional formula of using both human and puppet
characters. Nickelodeon’s only original program-
ming for several years, the show attracted many
young viewers to the fledgling network.Pinwheelbe-
came one of Nickelodeon’s longest-running pro-
grams, with more than two hundred episodes aired.
WhileSesame StreetandMister Rogers’ Neighborhood

206  Children’s television The Eighties in America

Host Fred Rogers ofMister Rogers’ Neighborhoodposes surrounded by his puppets in 1984.(AP/Wide World Photos)
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