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(J-Ad) #1 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS Wednesday, June 6, 2024 13

Continued from Page 12; or contact Karen Slack,
[email protected]. (2/15)
BC Central High School Class
of 1964, 60th reunion, Aug. 17,
5-9 p.m. Classes of 1962-63-65-
66 invited. Email joeblythe1964@ or call 963-1364 for
more info. (5/2)
B.C. Central Class of 1972, 70th
Birthday Party, Saturday Sept. 7.
More info., email: Bcchs72@live.
com or call Mary Ellen Munoz,
(269) 274-1838, or Deborah
Congdon, (310) 924-9565. (6/6)
Lakeview High School Class of
1984, 40th reunion, save the date
for Friday-Saturday, Sept. 27-28.
Follow on Facebook or contact
[email protected] for
more info. (1/18)
Pennfield High School class of
1974, 50th reunion, Saturday, Sept.
14, happy hour at 5 p.m., Marywood
Golf Club, Battle Creek. Email
[email protected]
or see Facebook page at Pennfield
Class of 1974. (2/15)

Executive Editor

New high school graduates don’t

need to know everything when they

step into the real world, said former

Calhoun Community High School

para-professional who now works at

the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center,

Eric Smith.

“You are not required to have all

perfect straight As in order to gradu-

ate and be successful,” said the St.

Philip Catholic Central High School

graduate. “Tired? Scared? You have

doubts? Do it anyway. Only take

action. You can never know every-

thing. Don’t get lost trying to know

everything before you get started.

Just get started.”

That was part of his advice to the

61 seniors who graduated Calhoun

Community High School Thursday

amid pomp and circumstance that

included handing off flowers to

Calhoun Community High School graduates 61 seniors

people who influenced them the most,
award presentations, speeches and the
distribution of diplomas.
Handing out diplomas were Laurie
Ruhstorfer and Kati Ferris while
Social Studies Teacher Pete Mathis
and Academic Advisor Sarah Orr
announced winners of citizenship,
MAEO and student council awards.
Calhoun Community High School,
located at the former Springfield High
School that also houses the Burma
Center, is a Public School Academy
Chartered as the Battle Creek Area
Learning Center.
“Our school is designed for those
students who are not making progress

in their high schools and those who
are seeking a more personalized or
stronger school-to-work program,”
explained Superintendent Dr. Rhonda
Marcum. “We accept students ages
14-19 at the start of the school year
and periodically throughout the year
depending on each student’s particu-
lar situation.”
Student speakers included
Valedictorian Saphyre Miller who
was moved to tears when conveying
how much her parents, specifically
her Dad, helped her reach her goal to
“The last person I want to thank
is my biggest supporter,” she said

through tears, “my Dad. I want to
thank you so much for all that you’ve
done these past four years. If it
wasn’t for you, I don’t think I’d be
standing here. I can never thank you
Also speaking were Salutatorian
Paige Collins and student, Joshua
Marcum advised the graduating
seniors to take care of themselves and
of each other.
“Acknowledge what you’re feel-
ing, then go create the world that you
want to live in,” she said. “Find your
success however it comes and do it
with pride.”

In all, 61 seniors graduated Calhoun Community High School Thursday, May 30. Most of them are shown here with
Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Marcum, left. (Shopper News photos by Shelly Kehrle-Sulser)

CCHS Salutatorian Paige Collins
gives her commencement address
to her fellow classmates.

Josh Stovall addresses his fellow

Valedictorian Saphyre Miller hugs
her mom, Jennifer Miller, during
the traditional flower presentation
ceremony when seniors give two
flowers to people who had an
significant impact on their lives.
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