The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

frustration for parents if their children did not have
common vacation times; extensive packing between
sessions, as classrooms were often shared; and obsta-
cles for teachers in pursuing continuing education
coursework, as their breaks were not as long.

Impact Supporters of year-round schools claimed
that they improved student learning and retention
and made more efficient use of school buildings. Re-
search during the 1990’s showed benefits and disad-
vantages, and the debate continued about whether
this change was revolutionizing educational deliv-
ery and was doing so in a positive or negative way.
A major advocate of year-round schools has been
the National Association for Year-Round Education
(NAYRE), a nonprofit organization founded in 1972
that provides in-service education, conferences, and
other forums. One of the most vocal groups to op-
pose year-round schools was SummerMatters!!, which
launched its Web site,,
in 2001 based on research compiled since 1992.

Subsequent Events Year-round education contin-
ued to grow, with more than 2.1 million children in
forty-seven states enrolled in year-round schools in

  1. California, Arizona, North Carolina, Texas,

and Kentucky had the most districts using this struc-
ture. Year-round education has begun to create in-
terest in areas of the United States where it had not
been a factor prior to the 1990’s.

Further Reading
Gismondi, Haser Shelly.Year-Round Education: Change
and Choice for Schools and Teachers. Lanham, Md.:
Scarecrow Press, 2005. Examines three Title I
year-round schools that switched from a tradi-
tional schedule in order to meet the academic
needs of students.
Kneese, Carolyn, and Charles Ballinger.School Calen-
dar Reform: Learning in All Seasons. Lanham, Md.:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. A thorough review of
issues surrounding school calendar reform.
Ruggiero, Adriane.Year Round Schools. Farmington
Hills, Mich.: Greenhaven Press, 2007. A volume of
the At Issue series that examines both sides of
controversial issues.
Mar y C. Ware

See also Educate America Act of 1994; Education
in Canada; Education in the United States; Home-

The Nineties in America Year-round schools  957

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