The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1


This bibliography lists books containing substantial material about a wide variety of topics pertaining to the
1990’s. Additional works, and especially works on narrower subjects, can be found in the “Further Readings”
notes at the end of every essay inThe Nineties in America.

Books are in the following three categories:

  1. General Works................ 1042

  2. Government, Politics, Economics, and
    Environment................ 1042

  3. Sociology, Character, and Culture..... 1044

  4. General Works
    The Annals of America. Vol. 22, 1987-2001: A New World
    Order. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2003.
    Collection of important primary source docu-
    ments (speeches, newspaper columns, addresses,
    and reports) produced during the 1990’s that de-
    fine and comment on key issues of the period. Or-
    ganized by year. Includes a detailed chronology of
    major events of the decade.
    Avasthi, Smita.Day by Day: The Nineties. 2 vols. New
    York: Facts On File, 2004. Chronological listing of
    events occurring on each day during the decade.
    Separates information into broad categories such
    as world affairs, the Americas, U.S. politics and
    social issues, U.S. economy and environment, sci-
    ence and technology, and cultural affairs. Intro-
    ductory essay provides an overview of the period.
    McConnell, Tandy, ed.American Decades: 1990-1999.
    Detroit: Gale Research, 2001. Essays describing
    life during the decade. Organized by topic, cover-
    ing broad areas such as world events, the arts, gov-
    ernment and politics, business, medicine and
    health, science and technology, religion, and life-
    styles. Each essay begins with a chronology of key
    events important for understanding the specific
    topic. Contains bibliography of secondary sources,
    also organized topically.
    Oxoby, Marc.The 1990’s. Westport, Conn.: Green-
    wood Press, 2003. Focuses on popular culture
    during the decade. Organized topically, covering
    issues such as daily life in America, the youth cul-
    ture, advertising, architecture, fashion, litera-
    ture, music, and the arts. Includes a chart of
    prices for key goods and services as well as a list of
    sources for further study.
    Rose, Cynthia, ed.American Decades, Primar y Sources:
    1990-1999.Detroit: Gale Research, 2004. Exten-

sive collection of important documents produced
during the decade, organized by topic. Covers the
arts, business, education, fashion, government,
legal matters, lifestyles, media, medicine, religion,
science and technology, and sports. Includes de-
tailed chronology and introductory essays to each
section outlining important developments and is-
sues relevant to that topic.

  1. Government, Politics, Economics, and
    Applebome, Peter. Dixie Rising: How the South Is
    Shaping American Values, Politics, and Culture. New
    York: Times Books, 1996. Describes changes in
    Southern states since the advent of the Civil
    Rights movement that positioned this region to
    become a leader in shaping the direction of
    American life and values by the 1990’s. Contrasts
    contemporary Southern values with those preva-
    lent in earlier decades.
    Baker, Dean.The United States Since 1980. Cam-
    bridge, England: Cambridge University Press,
    2007. Commentary on political trends in the final
    two decades of the twentieth century, emphasiz-
    ing the lasting effects of the “Reagan Revolution”
    in shaping decisions in both foreign and domes-
    tic policy. Describes tensions between President
    Bill Clinton and the Republican-dominated Con-
    gress that led to gridlock on many matters of
    national importance.
    Boggs, Carl.The End of Politics: Corporate Power and the
    Decline of the Public Sphere. New York: Guilford
    Press, 2000. Explores the decline in traditional
    political discourse during the 1990’s and the con-
    current rise of corporate America as a source of
    power and influence in American political activ-
    ity. Examines the impact of these changes on vari-
    ous aspects of American life.
    De Graaf, John, David Wann, and Thomas H. Naylor.
    Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic. 2d ed. San
    Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2005. Analyzes the
    causes of rampant consumerism, which the au-
    thors consider a devastating trend in American be-
    havior during the last half of the twentieth century.

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