The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Newman, Otto, and Richard de Zoysa.The American
Dream in the Information Age. London: Macmillan,

  1. Traces the growth of the United States as an
    economic powerhouse, noting its ability to adapt
    to new methods of production and new technolo-
    gies. Examines the state of the country’s eco-
    nomic health in the 1990’s as American business
    and society adjusted to the demands of the infor-
    mation age.
    Remnick, David, ed.The New Gilded Age: “The New
    Yorker” Looks at the Culture of Affluence. New York:
    Random House, 2000. Thirty-three essays on fig-
    ures and trends important during the 1990’s, a
    period of unprecedented economic growth in
    the United States, but one marred by deep social
    and cultural divisions.
    Stiglitz, Joseph E.The Roaring Nineties: A New Histor y
    of the World’s Most Prosperous Decade. New York:
    W. W. Norton, 2003. Examines the role of the
    Clinton administration in managing economic
    policy during the 1990’s, a period of significant
    growth in the American economy and general fi-
    nancial prosperity. Interprets data to suggest les-
    sons that can be applied in the future to secure
    America’s economic health.
    Switzer, Jacqueline Vaughn.Green Backlash: The His-
    tor y and Politics of Environmental Opposition in the
    U.S.Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1997. Traces
    the development of environmental policies in the
    United States, with special emphasis on the
    1990’s, a period of heightened activism. Explores
    the role of ranchers and farmers, the business
    community, and the government in dealing with
    the environment.

  2. Sociology, Character, and Culture
    Arden, John Boghosian.America’s Meltdown: The Lowest-
    Common-Denominator Society. Westport, Conn.: Prae-
    ger, 2003. Studies the impact of changes to Amer-
    ican society that occurred during the 1990’s in
    the fields of entertainment, the media, technol-
    ogy, politics, the work environment, medicine
    and health, personal relationships, education,
    and spirituality. Argues that, collectively, these
    changes have had a deleterious effect on the na-
    Ashbee, Edward.American Society Today. New York:
    Manchester University Press, 2002. Describes
    American society at the beginning of the twenty-
    first century, paying special attention to problems

and crises that arose during the 1990’s that shaped
perceptions about the country both within and
Berman, Morris.The Twilight of American Culture.
New York: W. W. Norton, 2000. A critical exami-
nation of America’s cultural decline. Uses key
events of the 1990’s as a means of exploring this
perceived decline.
Casper, Lynne M., and Suzanne M. Bianchi.Continu-
ity and Change in the American Family. Thousand
Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2002. Systematic examination
of American family life at the turn of the twenty-
first century, highlighting conditions in Ameri-
can households during the 1990’s. Covers topics
such as parenting, grandparenting, child care,
and the impact of the work environment and
other social and economic conditions on family
Cohen, David.Chasing the Red, White, and Blue: A Jour-
ney in Tocqueville’s Footsteps Through Contemporar y
America. New York: Picador, 2001. Describes life in
the United States at the turn of the twenty-first
century and explains how events of previous
decades, especially the 1990’s, helped shape the
values and activities of American citizens. Individ-
ual chapters explore life in various geographical
regions of the country.
Finnegan, William.Cold New World: Growing Up in a
Harder Countr y. New York: Random House, 1998.
Journalistic account of family life in several Amer-
ican communities during the 1990’s that focuses
on the plight of those who did not share in the
economic boom of the decade.
Friedman, Ellen G., and Corinne Squire.Morality
USA. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,

  1. Explores a number of moral issues that
    were of significant interest to Americans in the
    1990’s. Discusses the importance of “morality” to
    American citizens of the period and explains how
    moral uncertainty played a key role in generating
    debates among Americans about a number of key
    issues concerning the family, political correct-
    ness, the media, the arts, and the justice system.
    Guinness, Os.The American Hour: A Time of Reckoning
    and the Once and Future Role of Faith. New York:
    Free Press, 1993. Examines the state of life in
    America at the start of the 1990’s, briefly explor-
    ing the nation’s development over two centuries
    and analyzing tensions existing at a time when the
    United States had emerged as the single world

1044  Bibliography The Nineties in America

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