The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

communist, adj. Foolish.
CrackBerry, n. BlackBerry, from its addictive nature.
crackhead, n. A stupid person.
crappappella, adj. Tasteless.
creechy, adj. Eccentric.
creep, v. To cheat on one’s lover.
crib, n. One’s dwelling.
cronkite, n. News or information.
crump, adj. Feeling good.
crunk, adj. Insane.
crushed, adj. Drunk.
cyberpunk, n. Someone obsessed with computers.
cyberspace, n. The world of the Internet.

da bomb, n. Something excellent.
dawg, n. A male friend.
dead presidents, n. Money.
digital photography, n. A form of photography that
relies on digital technology to make images.
dime, n. An attractive female.
dis, v. To disrespect or insult.
ditty, n. A trinket.
doe, n. An ignorant person.
dogpack, n. A group of male friends.
doke, adj. Outstanding.
doobs, adj. Inferior.
Don’t go there!, exp. Do not bring up a sensitive sub-
ject in conversation.
dope, adj. Cool.
dot-com, n. An Internet-based company.
dragon breath, n. Bad breath.
drape, v. To overcome.
drill, v. To tease.
duck, n. A conceited female.
duck soup, n. Crazy.
duckies, n. Money.

earth biscuit, n. A nature-loving female.
earth cracker, n. An environmentalist.
Eat my shorts!, exp. Go to hell!
e-mail, n. Electronic messages sent over the Inter-
ends, n. Money.

faded, adj. Drunk.
federal, adj. Extremely good.
feel, v. To understand.
feen, v. To desire.
fiend, v. To desperately need something.
fierce, adj. Excited.

five-finger discount, n. Shoplifting.
flodge, v. To fake.
floss, v. To show off.
fly, adj. Cool.
fly low, v. To be on guard.
folded, adj. Drunk.
404 , n. Someone who is clueless.
fream, n. An outcast.
fresh, adj. Cool.
fromage, n. Something inferior.
front, v. To boast.
fugly, adj. Extremely ugly.
funda, n. Something that is basic.

gangsta, n. A cool person.
geedis, n. Everything needed to be an expert at
geek, v. To panic.
geeze, v. To act like an elderly person.
geri, n. An old person.
Get a room!, exp. Encourage a couple showing af-
fection in public to take it somewhere else.
get off slim-slow, v. To lose weight.
get one’s jig on, v. To dance.
Get over it!, exp. Move on and do not dwell on what
has happened.
get stupid, v. To drink too much.
gettin’ jiggy, v. To make a move on someone to whom
you are attracted.
ghetto, adv. Very.
ghetto bird, n. A police helicopter.
giddy, n. A fun time.
gimmick, n. A fun thing to do.
give props, v. To praise.
gloopy, n. Something rather stupid.
go postal, v. To become crazy or violent.
goTitanic, v. To lose.
goncha, adj. Grouchy.
good job, n. A job that someone takes merely for the
purpose of “getting out of debt.”
goopy, adj. Sloppy.
got the dragon, v. To have bad breath.
GPS, n. The acronym for “Global Positioning Sys-
grill, n. Face.
grip, n. Money.
grunge, n. An alternative rock music subgenre.
gum flapping, n. Useless chatter.
gyalist, n. Someone who chases after women.

The Nineties in America Glossary  1051

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