The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

pearl, v. To leave.
perpetrate, v. To pretend.
phat, adj. Cool.
pigeon, n. A promiscuous woman.
playah, n. A promiscuous man.
PlayStation, n. A game console manufactured by
po, n. The police.
poppins, adj. Perfect.
poser, n. Someone who pretends to be important.
posse, n. A group of friends.
potent, adj. Fine or good.
props, n. Admiration for a job well done.
punk, v. To steal.

radioactive, adj. Very popular.
rah, n. A wealthy person.
ranked, adj. Drunk.
rentals, n. Parents.
ricky, n. A jerk.
ride low, v. To annoy someone.
rightsize, v. To fire people.
rip-city, n. Fun.
rise up, v. To back off.
roadie, n. An unattractive woman.
roll, v. To spend time talking.
rough rider, n. Someone with a great car.
rubber, n. A loser or jerk.
ruined, adj. Drunk.

saccharin, adj. Excellent.
salty, adj. Disrespectful.
scrubby, adj. Dirty.
scurvy, adj. Worthless.
see the dinosaur, v. To completely misunderstand.
seed, n. A child.
sell buicks, v. To vomit.
senior moment, n. A moment of forgetfulness.
shacker, n. Someone who often sleeps at someone
else’s house.
shagadelic, adj. Spectacular or sexy.
shake the spot, v. To take the center of attention.
shammered, adj. Drunk.
shasta, adj. Ugly.
sheisty, adj. Unacceptable.
shite, v. To make a mistake.
shizzle, n. Something superior.
shorty, n. An attractive female.
skeevy, adj. Unsavory.
skeezer, n. A promiscuous woman.

skinner, n. A policeman.
skinny, adj. Selfish.
skippy, adj. OK.
skootchie, n. A very ugly woman.
slacker, n. A person who is apathetic or lacks ambi-
slave, n. A new job.
slummy, adj. Like the slums.
smoke eater, n. A fireman.
smoother, n. Someone who is good at the art of per-
snaps, n. Money.
snoopy, n. A date.
so, adv. Very much.
sosh, n. A stuck-up person.
spliff, n. A marijuana cigarette.
sponge, n. One big desire.
spoogy, adj. Sticky.
sprung, adj. Obsessed with.
spumoni, n. Something outstanding.
square, n. A cigarette.
square-headed girlfriend, n. A computer.
stack it, v. To fall over.
starter marriage, n. A first marriage that does not
last very long and does not involve children, prop-
erty, or regrets.
step, v. To back off.
stickleroo, n. A cool or popular person.
stone, n. A slow car.
string theory, n. A theory in physics that tries to ex-
plain everything through the use of mathematics.
style, v. To flirt.
styler, n. Someone who is good at flirting.
sweat boxn. A small club.
swerved, adj. Drunk.
swoop up, v. To pick up.

Talk to the hand!, exp. I do not want to listen to what
you have to say; sometimes followed by “because
the face ain’t listening.”
tap, adj. Exhaust.
taxed, adj. Very expensive.
thirsty, adj. Extremely desperate.
throw down, v. To fight.
tight, adj. Great.
tip, v. To leave.
to the bricks, exp. Wearing fine clothes.
toast, adj. Ruined.
tod, adj. Stupid or bad.
tog, v. To dress.

The Nineties in America Glossary  1053

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