The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Jobs, Steve
Johnson, Magic
Jordan, Michael
Kelley, Kitty
Kemp, Jack
Kennedy, John F., Jr.
Kerrigan, Nancy
Kevorkian, Jack
King, Rodney
King, Stephen
Kingsolver, Barbara
Komunyakaa, Yusef
Koons, Jeff
Lagasse, Emeril
Lang, K. D.
Lee, Spike
Limbaugh, Rush
Lucid, Shannon
McCaughey Septuplets
McCourt, Frank
McGwire, Mark
McMillan, Terry
McNally, Terrence
McVeigh, Timothy
Malone, Karl
Mistry, Rohinton
Moore, Judge Roy
Morris, Dick
Morrison, Toni
Mulroney, Brian
Myers, Mike
Novello, Antonia Coello
Nye, Bill
Ondaatje, Michael
O’Neal, Shaquille
O’Reilly, Bill
Palahniuk, Chuck
Paltrow, Gwyneth
Perlman, Itzhak
Perot, H. Ross
Phoenix, River
Pitt, Brad
Popcorn, Faith
Powell, Colin
Proulx, Annie
Quayle, Dan
Reeve, Christopher
Reeves, Keanu
Reno, Janet
Reséndiz, Ángel Maturino
Rice, Anne
Ripken, Cal, Jr.
Roberts, Julia
Rock, Chris

Roth, Philip
Ryan, Meg
Ryder, Winona
Sampras, Pete
Schlessinger, Dr. Laura
Schwarzkopf, Norman
Seles, Monica
Sharpton, Al
Sheehy, Gail
Shepard, Matthew
Smith, Susan
Smith, Will
Sontag, Susan
Sosa, Sammy
Speicher, Michael Scott
Stephanopoulos, George
Stern, Howard
Stewart, Martha
Stockdale, James
Stojko, Elvis
Strand, Mark
Strug, Kerri
Tarantino, Quentin
Thomas, Clarence
Travolta, John
Trump, Donald
Tyson, Mike
Updike, John
Ventura, Jesse
Wallace, David Foster
Washington, Denzel
Wegman, William
Weil, Andrew
Whitman, Christine Todd
Wigand, Jeffrey
Wilder, L. Douglas
Winfrey, Oprah
Wolfowitz, Paul
Woods, Tiger
Wuornos, Aileen Carol
Yamaguchi, Kristi

Politics & Government
Albright, Madeleine
Armey, Dick
Baker, James
Balanced Budget Act of 1997
Barry, Marion
Bloc Québécois
Bono, Sonny
Brown, Ron
Buchanan, Pat
Bush, George H. W.

Campaign finance scandal
Campbell, Kim
Charlottetown Accord
Cheney, Dick
Chrétien, Jean
Christian Coalition
Christopher, Warren
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Clinton’s impeachment
Clinton’s scandals
Cohen, William S.
Conservatism in U.S. politics
Contract with America
Culture wars
Defense of Marriage Act of 1996
Dinkins, David
Dole, Bob
Duke, David
Elections in Canada
Elections in the United States,
Elections in the United States, 1992
Elections in the United States, 1996
Forbes, Steve
Gephardt, Dick
Gingrich, Newt
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Giuliani, Rudolph
Gore, Al
Gun control
Health care reform
Hill, Anita
Kemp, Jack
Kennedy, John F., Jr.
Lewinsky scandal
Liberalism in U.S. politics
Line Item Veto Act of 1996
Militia movement
Montana Freemen standoff
Morris, Dick
Mulroney, Brian
National debt
North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA)
Nunavut Territory
Perot, H. Ross
Quayle, Dan
Quebec referendum of 1995
Reform Party
Reno, Janet
Republican Revolution
Right-wing conspiracy
Rock the Vote

1060  List of Entries by Category The Nineties in America

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