The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Bush, George W., 717
Bushnell, Candace, 163, 764
Buttafuoco, Joey and Mary Jo, 527
Byrd, James, Jr., 11, 138, 407, 699

Cacho, Fermin, 639
Callbeck, Catherine, 929
Cameron, James, 158, 333, 845,
Cammermeyer, Margarethe,
141-142, 265
Campbell, Kim,144-145, 296, 929
Campbell, Neve, 758
Campbell, Tevin, 1004
Capriati, Jennifer, 640
Carangi, Gia, 415
Carbajal, Michael, 116
Carey, Mariah,150-151, 1004
Carrey, Jim, 153 , 213, 446
Carson, Johnny, 504
Carter, Chris, 947
Carvey, Dana, 600
Case, Steve, 34
Casey, Robert, Sr., 300
Cato, Gavin, 231
Cattrall, Kim, 764
Cédras, Raoul, 399
Chan, Marty, 851
Charles, RuPaul Andre.SeeRuPaul
Chávez, Julio César, 116
Cheney, Dick,160-161, 797
Cher, 110
Chestnut, Jacob, 885
Chopra, Deepak,177-178, 712
Chrétien, Jean, 147,178-179, 296,
Christie, Linford, 639
Christopher, Warren, 175,182-183,
Chung, Connie, 59
Ciccone, Madonna.SeeMadonna
Clapton, Eric, 590, 1005
Clark, Marcia, 776
Clements, Marie, 850
Clifford, Clark, 745
Clinton, Bill, 131, 147, 182,188-191,
219, 261, 298, 300, 302, 664, 717,
902; Africa and, 8; campaign
finance scandal, 142-144; centrist
policies, 303, 514; China and, 175;
defense budget cuts, 245; Defense
of Marriage Act, 247; deficit
reduction, 76, 602; domestic

policy, 190; Filegate, 805; foreign
policy, 190; Newt Gingrich and,
305, 369; Al Gore and, 378; gun
control and, 393; Haiti and, 400;
health care reform, 412;
homosexuals in the military, 264,
431; impeachment of, 193-196;
Israel and, 463; Jewish Americans
and, 467; Kosovo conflict and,
492; Latinos and, 508; Lewinsky
scandal, 191, 194, 197, 511-513,
746, 805, 869; midnight basketball
initiative, 571; minimum wage
increases, 577; Pardongate, 198;
postpresidency, 198; presidential
campaigns, 189, 197, 514, 585,
808; race relations and, 700;
scandals, 196-199, 720, 745, 804;
soccer moms and, 785; Somalia
and, 788; terrorism and, 483, 887;
Travelgate, 805; Troopergate, 869-
870; welfare reform, 910;
Whitewater, 915-917; Boris Yeltsin
and, 735
Clinton, Hillary Rodham,191-193,
720-721, 745; health care reform,
192, 412; Whitewater, 915-917
Clooney, George,201-202, 314
Cobain, Kurt, 30, 386, 532, 612
Cochran, Johnnie,204-205, 776
Coelho, Tony, 297
Coen, Joel and Ethan,205-206
Cohen, William S.,207-208
Collins, Francis, 436
Columbus, Chris, 426
Combs, Sean, 244, 418, 1010
Compagnoni, Deborah, 646
Connor, Myles, 354
Coolio, 1005
Cooper, Martin, 154
Copps, Shelia, 929
Corder, Frank Eugene, 915
Corigliano, John, 187
Cosby, Bill, 213
Costner, Kevin, 240
Coughlin, Paula, 746, 830
Coulter, Clare, 850
Cox, Courteney, 351
Cox, Deborah, 1005
Crane, David, 351
Craven, Wes, 758
Crichton, Michael, 314, 475
Cronenberg, David, 331
Crow, Sheryl, 1005

Cruise, Tom,233-234
Culkin, Macaulay, 426
Cunanan, Andrew, 894
Curl, Robert, 614
Cyrus, Billy Ray, 226, 598

D. J. Jazzy Jeff, 783
Daehlie, Björn, 646
Dahmer, Jeffrey,238-239
Daly, Chuck, 271
Damon, Matt,239-240, 743
Darden, Christopher, 777
Davenport, Lindsay, 645
David, Larry, 760
Davies, Robertson, 518
Davis, Geena, 854
Davis, Kristin, 764
Dayne, Taylor, 1005
Dean, Christopher, 642
Deburghgraeve, Fred, 645
DeGeneres, Ellen,247-248, 838
De Klerk, F. W., 8
De La Hoya, Oscar, 116
DeLillo, Don, 521
Dembski, William A., 452
Demme, Jonathan, 667, 772
Deng Xiaoping, 347
De Niro, Robert, 376
Denny, Reginald, 204, 528
Devers, Gail, 254 , 640, 644
Diallo, Amadou, 11, 255, 681
DiCaprio, Leonardo, 858
Di Centa, Manuela, 641
Dimas, Trent, 640
Dinkins, David, 231,259-260, 372
Dion, Celine, 860, 1005
Dr. Dre, 243, 418, 1005
Doherty, Shannen, 99
Dole, Bob, 35, 190, 219,260-262, 302;
female voters and, 785
Donati, Bobby, 354
Douglas, Buster, 115, 425, 802, 877
Douglas, Michael, 89
Dove, Rita, 9
Draper, John, 396
Drexler, Eric, 601
Drudge, Matt, 107,272-274, 474
Du, Soon Ja, 528
Dubroff, Jessica,276-277
Duchovny, David, 947
Duke, David,277-278
Dumont, Mario, 695
Duran, Francisco Martin, 915
Durenberger, David, 745


The Nineties in America
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