The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, 173
Milch, David, 627
Military, Canadian; homosexuals
and, 431
Military; defense budget cuts, 244-
246; homosexuals and, 141, 264,
431; missile defense, 659;
pollution, 907; sexual harassment
and, 829, 923; technology, 755;
women in, 338, 830, 923-925
Military academies, 924
Military Construction
Appropriations Act (1997), 987
Military officers, 141, 338, 685, 752,
797, 813
Military operations, U.S., 8, 114, 130,
388, 399, 568, 753, 788, 797
Militia movement,572-573, 581,
Militia of Montana, 572
Millennium bug.SeeY2K problem
Miller, Percy.SeeMaster P
Miller, Shannon, 640
Miller’s Crossing, 206
Milli Vanilli,573-574
Million Man March, 324,574-576
Miloš evi 6 , Slobodan, 114, 492
Mine Ban Treaty, 345, 883
Minimum wage increases,576-577
Ministers, 323, 766
Minnesota, 892
Minorities; art and, 55; Canada,578-
579 , 699; digital divide and, 259;
workforce, 926
Mir space station, 793, 796
Mirage (megaresort), 501
Mission: Impossible, 234
Mississippi River; flood of 1993,579-
580 , 607; pollution, 906
Missouri v. Jenkins(1995), 993
Mistry, Rohinton, 519,580-581
Mitnick, Kevin, 396
Mitra, Abhas, 757
MLB.SeeMajor League Baseball
MLS.SeeMajor League Soccer
Mobile billboards, 4
Mobile phones.SeeCell phones
Moby (deejay), 308
Models, male, 318
Modems, 455
Moe, Tommy, 642
Mogadishu, Battle of, 788
Molina, Mario J., 614
Monica, 1009

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 41
Monoclonal antibodies, 149
Monsanto, 360, 362
Montana Freemen standoff,
Moodie, Andrew, 850
Moore, Roy,582-583
Moore, Tyria, 944
Moorer, Lana.SeeMC Lyte
Moorer, Michael, 425
Moral Majority, 179, 322
Morales, Pablo, 640
Morissette, Alanis,583-584, 1009
Morphing (special effect), 165
Morris, Dick, 142,584-585
Morrison, Toni, 9,585-586, 614
Morrow, Rob, 621
Mortal Kombat(video game), 864,
Morvan, Fabrice, 574
Mosaic (Web browser), 455, 457,
754, 942
Moseley-Braun, Carol, 10, 954
Moss, Kate, 415
Motion Picture Association of
America, 609
Motion pictures.SeeFilm
Motor Voter Act.SeeNational Voter
Registration Act
Motorola, 154
Mount Pleasant riot,586-588
Mozambique, 8
Mozart effect,588-589
MP3 format, 257,589-590, 754
Ms. Foundation for Women, 832
MSN, 943
MTV, 97, 526, 595, 703, 837
MTV Unplugged,590-591
Mujahideen-e-Khalq, 847
Mullally, Megan, 921
Mullis, Kary B., 458, 614
Mulroney, Brian, 144-145, 159, 179,
295, 344,591-593; foreign policy,
592; Russia and, 734
Multiculturalism, 494, 522, 699, 798;
in children’s literature, 170;
education and, 287
Munro, Alice, 519
Murder, 466, 488, 561, 701, 763, 781,
885; attempted, 527; hate crimes,
11, 138, 407, 431, 769; mass
killings, 210, 328, 404; serial
killings, 238, 718, 894, 944

Murphy Brown,593-595
Murphy v. United Parcel Service, Inc.
(1999), 185
Murray, Jonathan, 703
Museums, 354, 423, 724
Music,595-599, 1003; acoustic, 590;
alternative rock, 29-30, 525;
ambient, 308; awards, 1012; boy
bands, 117-119; classical, 186-187,
662; controversial content, 156;
country, 120, 225-227, 498, 537;
dance, 308; electronic, 308-309;
festivals, 525, 858, 933; grunge,
29, 385-387, 526, 612; heavy
metal, 552, 562; hip-hop and rap,
10, 243, 418-419, 526, 765, 782;
house, 308; industrial, 552, 611;
IQ and, 588; pop, 117, 150, 498,
543, 573, 583, 631;
postmodernism, 186; R&B, 150;
rock, 315, 583, 724, 726; techno,
308; Tejano, 762; trance, 308;
violinists, 662.See also specific
performers and subgenres
Music Television.SeeMTV
Music videos; controversial content,
Musical instrument digital interface,
Musicals, 119-120, 714, 852, 969.See
Mutchnick, Max, 920
Mutilation case, Bobbitt, 108-109
Mutter, Carol, 924
“My Heart Will Go On” (Dion), 860
My Own Private Idaho, 960
Myers, Mike,599-600
Myrick, Daniel, 103
Myst(video game), 864, 897
Mythopoetic men’s movement, 462

NAACP.SeeNational Association for
the Advancement of Colored
NAFTA.SeeNorth American Free
Trade Agreement
Namibia, 8
Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized
Biography(Kelley), 476
Napster, 590
Narayan, Ramesh, 757
NASA.SeeNational Aeronautics and
Space Administration


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