The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

RIAA.SeeRecording Industry
Association of America
Rice, Anne,719-720
Rich, Adrienne, 677
Richards, Michael, 760
Richler, Mordecai, 518
Right-to-die movement, 481
“Right-wing conspiracy,” 193, 198,
Rimes, LeAnn, 1010
Rio Declaration, 495
Riots, 59, 204, 231, 407, 486, 528,
586, 699, 767
Ripken, Cal, Jr., 83,721-722
Ritalin, 63, 666
Robb, Chuck, 920
Roberts, Julia,722-723
Robertson, Pat, 179, 711
Robertson, Stanley, 757
Robinson, Jackie, 83
Rock, Chris, 213,723-724
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rock Bottom Remainders, 487, 726
Rock music, 29, 315, 583, 590, 595,
612, 724, 726; alternative, 525;
grunge, 385-387; heavy metal, 562;
industrial, 611.See alsoAlternative
rock; Grunge music
Rock opera, 714
Rock the Vote,726-728
Roe v. Wade(1973), 1, 675, 823
Roffe, Diann, 642
Rogers, Richard, 730
Role-playing games, 864, 898
Romance films, 858
Romance novels, 318
Romário, 936
Romer v. Evans(1996), 185, 728 , 823,
Romney, Mitt, 741
Ropin’ the Wind(Brooks), 121
Rosenbaum, Yankel, 231
Ross, Dennis, 464
Ross, Ian, 850
Ross v. New Brunswick School District
No. 15(1996), 709
Rostenkowski, Dan, 745
Roth, Philip,729-730
Rowing, 639
Rowland, F. Sherwood, 614
Rowling, J. K., 167, 405
Roxette, 1010
Royals, The(Kelley), 476

Rozema, Patricia, 331
Ruby Ridge shoot-out, 572,730-732
Ruddock, Donovan, 877
Rudman, Warren, 786
Rudolph, Eric, 648
Rugova, Ibrahim, 492
Rules, The(Fein and Schneider),
Rush Hour, 965
Rushmore, 965
Russia; Chechnya and, 736; North
America and,734-736; United
States and, 316, 348
Rust v. Sullivan(1991), 1, 737 , 823
Rwandan genocide, 8, 347
Ryan, Meg,737-738
Ryan, Nolan, 85
Ryder, Winona,738-739

SabreTech, 892
Saenz v. Roe(1999), 996
Safe Drinking Water Act
Amendments (1996), 987
Safety standards; automobile, 71
St. Louis Cardinals, 427
Salameh, Mohammed A., 938
Salaries; baseball, 84, 87
Saldivar, Yolanda, 763
Salinas de Gortari, Carlos, 564
Salinas de Gortari, Raul, 565
Salmon war,740-741
Salt Lake City Olympics bid scandal,
Salt-n-Pepa, 1010
Samaranch, Juan Antonio, 638
Same-sex marriage, 75, 246, 263,
290, 432, 554.See alsoDomestic
partnerships; Civil unions
Sampling (music), 309
Sampras, Pete, 12,741-742, 802, 842
San Antonio Spurs, 91
San Francisco Ballet, 77
San Francisco Forty-Niners, 801
Sánchez, Eduardo, 103
Sanders, Summer, 640
Santana, Carlos, 598
Sarandon, Susan, 854
Sarkissian, Cherilyn.SeeCher
Satellite television, 136, 837
Satellites, 793, 795; Global
Positioning System, 754
Satire, 778, 791
Saturday Night Live, 505, 599

Saturn Corporation,742-743
Saudi Arabia, 482
Savage Garden, 1010
Saving Private Ryan, 3, 403,743-744,
Sayegh, Hani al-, 483
Scandals, 25, 46, 59, 98, 142, 338,
563-564, 741,744-747, 829, 923;
Bill Clinton, 196-199, 511-513,
720, 804, 869-870, 915; Hillary
Rodham Clinton, 915
Scher, John, 933
Scherbo, Vitaly, 639
Schiavo, Mary, 892
Schilling, Curt, 85
Schindler, Allen, 431
Schindler, Oskar, 747
Schindler’s List, 3,747-749, 961
SCHIP.SeeState Children’s Health
Insurance Program
Schlessinger, Laura,749-750
Schmitz, Jonathan, 466
Schneerson, Menachem, 232
Schneider, Sherrie, 732
School prayer, 236
School violence, 210,750-752
School vouchers, 288
Schools, year-round.SeeYear-round
Schulian, John, 948
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 845
Schwarzkopf, Norman,752-753
Schweitzer, LeRoy, 582
Schwimmer, David, 351
Science,754-758; religion and, 452
Science fiction; film, 475, 556, 803,
845; television, 947
Scorsese, Martin, 376
Scott, Ridley, 854
Scrapbooking, 419
Scream,758-759, 963
Screenwriters, 239
Sculpture, 55, 181, 491
Search engines,759-760, 952
Sears, Barry, 958
Sears, Djanet, 850
Seattle Mariners, 382
Seattle WTO protests, 939-941
Second Amendment, 393, 634
Secondhand smoke, 149
Secret Garden, The(musical; Simon
and Norman), 119, 852
Securities Market Reform Act
(1990), 983


The Nineties in America
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