The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Versace murder.......... 894
Viagra............... 895
Victoria’s Secret......... 896
Video games........... 897

Waco siege............ 900
Wages.SeeIncome and wages in
Canada; Income and wages
in the United States
Wallace, David Foster...... 903
Wal-Mart............. 904
Washington, Denzel....... 905
Water pollution.......... 906
WB television network...... 908
Web.SeeInternet; World Wide Web
Web logs.SeeBlogs
Wegman, William........ 908
Weil, Andrew........... 909
Welfare reform.......... 910
West Nile virus outbreak..... 912
“What would Jesus do?”
bracelets.SeeWWJD bracelets
Where’s Waldo?franchise..... 914
White House attacks....... 915
Whitewater investigation..... 915
Whitman, Christine Todd.... 917
Wigand, Jeffrey.......... 918
Wilder, L. Douglas........ 919
Will and Grace........... 920
Winfrey, Oprah.......... 921
WNBA.SeeWomen’s National
Basketball Association

Wolfowitz, Paul.......... 922
Women in the military...... 923
Women in the workforce.... 925
Women’s National Basketball
Association (WNBA)..... 928
Women’s rights.......... 928
Woods, Tiger........... 931
Woodstock concerts....... 933
Workforce, women in the.See
Women in the workforce
World Cup of 1994........ 935
World Trade Center
bombing............ 937
World Trade Organization
protests............ 939
World Wide Web......... 941
WTO protests.SeeWorld Trade
Organization protests
Wuornos, Aileen Carol...... 944
WWJD bracelets......... 945

X-Files, The............ 947
Xena: Warrior Princess....... 948

Y 2K problem........... 950
Yahoo!.............. 952
Yamaguchi, Kristi......... 953
Year of the Woman........ 954
Year-round schools........ 956
Year 2000 problem.SeeY2K

Zone diet............. 958

Entertainment: Major Films
of the 1990’s......... 959
Entertainment: Academy
Awards............. 967
Entertainment: Major Broadway
Plays and Awards....... 969
Entertainment: Most-Watched
U.S. Television Shows..... 977
Entertainment: Emmy
Awards............. 979
Legislation: Major U.S.
Legislation.......... 983
Legislation: U.S. Supreme
Court Decisions........ 990
Literature: Best-Selling U.S.
Books............. 997
Literature: Major Literary
Awards............ 1000
Music: Popular Musicians... 1003
Music: Grammy Awards..... 1012
Sports: Winners of Major
Events............ 1021
Time Line............ 1027
Bibliography.......... 1042
Web Sites............ 1047
Glossary............. 1050
List of Entries by Category... 1055

Photo Index............ III
Personages Index......... VII
Subject Index........... XV


The Nineties in America
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