The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

 Table of Contents

Complete List of Contents.......... xxxiii

Gephardt, Dick................. 367
Gifford, Kathie Lee............... 368
Gingrich, Newt................. 369
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader.............. 370
Giuliani, Rudolph................ 371
Glenn, John................... 373
Global warming debate............. 374
GoodFellas..................... 376
Gordon, Jeff................... 376
Gore, Al..................... 377
Grafton, Sue................... 379
Graves, Michael................. 380
Greenspan, Alan................. 381
Griffey, Ken, Jr.................. 382
Grisham, John.................. 384
Grunge fashion................. 385
Grunge music.................. 385
Gulf War..................... 388
Gulf War syndrome............... 392
Gun control................... 393

Hackers..................... 396
Hairstyles..................... 398
Haiti intervention................ 399
Hale-Bopp comet................ 401
Hamm, Mia................... 402
Hanks, Tom................... 403
Happy Land fire................. 404
Harry Potter books............... 405
Hate crimes................... 406
Health care................... 408
Health care reform............... 411
Heaven’s Gate mass suicide........... 413
Heroin chic................... 415
Hill, Anita.................... 416
Hip-hop and rap music............. 418
Hobbies and recreation............. 419
Hockey...................... 421
Hogue, James.................. 422
Holocaust Memorial Museum......... 423
Holy Virgin Mar y, The.............. 424
Holyfield, Evander................ 425

Home Alone.................... 426
Home run race................. 427
Homeschooling................. 428
Homosexuality and gay rights......... 431
Hubble Space Telescope............ 433
Human Genome Project............ 435
Hurricane Andrew............... 438

Illegal immigration............... 440
Immigration Act of 1990............ 441
Immigration to Canada............. 442
Immigration to the United States....... 444
In Living Color.................. 445
Income and wages in Canada.......... 446
Income and wages in the United States.... 447
Independent films................ 449
Instant messaging................ 451
Intelligent design movement.......... 452
Internet..................... 453
Inventions.................... 456
Iron John..................... 462
Israel and the United States........... 463

Jenny Jones Showmurder............. 466
Jewish Americans................ 467
Jobs, Steve.................... 468
Joe Camel campaign.............. 469
Johnson, Magic................. 470
Jordan, Michael................. 471
Journalism.................... 473
Jurassic Park................... 475

Kelley, Kitty................... 476
Kemp, Jack.................... 477
Kennedy, John F., Jr................ 478
Kennedy rape case................ 479
Kerrigan, Nancy................. 480
Kevorkian, Jack................. 481
Khobar Towers bombing............ 482
Killer bees.................... 484
King, Rodney.................. 485
King, Stephen.................. 486
Kingsolver, Barbara............... 487
Klaas kidnapping and murder case....... 488
Knox pornography case............. 489

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