The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Komunyakaa, Yusef............... 490
Koons, Jeff.................... 491
Kosovo conflict................. 492
Kwanzaa..................... 493
Kyoto Protocol.................. 495

Lagasse, Emeril................. 497
Lang, K. D..................... 498
Laparoscopic surgery.............. 499
Larr y Sanders Show, The............. 500
Las Vegas megaresorts.............. 501
LASIK surgery.................. 503
Late night television............... 504
Latin America.................. 505
Latinos...................... 507
Lee, Spike.................... 509
Left Behind books................ 510
Lewinsky scandal................ 511
Liberalism in U.S. politics............ 513
Life coaching.................. 515
Limbaugh, Rush................. 516
Line Item Veto Act of 1996........... 517
Literature in Canada.............. 518
Literature in the United States......... 520
Lollapalooza................... 525
Long Island Lolita case............. 527
Los Angeles riots................ 528
Louima torture case............... 531
Love, Courtney................. 532
Lucid, Shannon................. 533

McCaughey septuplets............. 535
McCourt, Frank................. 536
McEntire, Reba................. 537
McGwire, Mark................. 538
McMansions................... 539
McMillan, Terry................. 540
McNally, Terrence................ 541
McVeigh, Timothy................ 542
Madonna..................... 543
Mafia....................... 545
Magic Eye pictures................ 546
Mall of America................. 547
Malone, Karl................... 549
Mapplethorpe obscenity trial.......... 550
Marilyn Manson................. 552
Marriage and divorce.............. 553
Mars exploration................ 554
Matrix, The.................... 556
Medicine..................... 557

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.... 560
Menendez brothers murder case........ 561
Metallica..................... 562
MetLife scandal................. 563
Mexico and the United States......... 564
Michelangelo computer virus.......... 566
Microsoft..................... 566
Middle East and North America........ 568
Midnight basketball............... 571
Militia movement................ 572
Milli Vanilli.................... 573
Million Man March............... 574
Minimum wage increases............ 576
Minorities in Canada.............. 578
Mississippi River flood of 1993......... 579
Mistry, Rohinton................. 580
Montana Freemen standoff........... 581
Moore, Judge Roy................ 582
Morissette, Alanis................ 583
Morris, Dick................... 584
Morrison, Toni................. 585
Mount Pleasant riot............... 586
Mozart effect................... 588
MP3 format................... 589
MTV Unplugged................. 590
Mulroney, Brian................. 591
Murphy Brown.................. 593
Music....................... 595
Myers, Mike................... 599

Nanotechnology................. 601
National debt.................. 602
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)... 603
Native Americans................ 605
Natural disasters................. 607
NC-17 rating................... 609
Nicotine patch.................. 610
Nine Inch Nails................. 611
Nirvana..................... 612
Nobel Prizes................... 614
Noriega capture and trial............ 616
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA)................... 618
North Hollywood shoot-out........... 619
Northern Exposure................. 621
Northridge earthquake............. 622
Novello, Antonia Coello............. 624
Nunavut Territory................ 625
Nye, Bill..................... 625
NYPD Blue.................... 627


The Nineties in America
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