The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

and restructuring
Rice, Anne............ 719
Right-wing conspiracy...... 720
Ripken, Cal, Jr........... 721

Roberts, Julia........... 722
Rock, Chris............ 723
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Museum............ 724
Rock Bottom Remainders.... 726

Rock the Vote........... 726
Romer v. Evans.......... 728
Roth, Philip............ 729
Ruby Ridge shoot-out...... 730
Rules, The............. 732

Volume III

Complete List of Contents... xlvii

RuPaul.............. 733
Russia and North America.... 734
Rust v. Sullivan.......... 737
Ryan, Meg............ 737
Ryder, Winona.......... 738

Salmon war............ 740
Salt Lake City Olympics bid
scandal............ 741
Sampras, Pete.......... 741
Saturn Corporation....... 742
Saving Private Ryan........ 743
Scandals............. 744
Schindler’s List........... 747
Schlessinger, Dr. Laura...... 749
School violence.......... 750
Schwarzkopf, Norman...... 752
Science and technology..... 754
Scream............... 758
Search engines.......... 759
Seinfeld.............. 760
Selena............... 762
Seles, Monica........... 763
Sex and the City.......... 764
Shakur, Tupac.......... 765
Sharpton, Al........... 766
Shaw v. Reno............ 767
Sheehy, Gail........... 768
Shepard, Matthew........ 769
Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet.... 770
Showgirls.............. 771
Silence of the Lambs, The...... 772
Silicon Valley........... 772
Silicone implant ban....... 774
Simpson murder case...... 775
Simpsons, The........... 778
Slang and slogans........ 779
Slogans.SeeSlang and slogans
Smith, Susan........... 781
Smith, Will............ 782
Soccer............... 783
Soccer moms........... 784
Social Security reform...... 786

Somalia conflict......... 788
Sontag, Susan........... 789
Sosa, Sammy........... 790
South Park............. 791
Space exploration........ 793
Space shuttle program...... 795
Spam............... 796
Speicher, Scott.......... 797
Spirituality.SeeReligion and
spirituality in Canada;
Religion and spirituality in
the United States
Spoken word movement..... 798
Sport utility vehicles (SUVs)... 800
Sports............... 801
Star Wars: Episode I—The Phantom
Menace............. 803
Starr Report........... 804
Stem cell research........ 806
Stephanopoulos, George.... 808
Stern, Howard.......... 809
Stewart, Martha......... 810
Stock market........... 811
Stockdale, James......... 813
Stojko, Elvis............ 814
Storm of the Century...... 815
Strand, Mark........... 817
String theory........... 818
Strug, Kerri............ 818
Sundance Film Festival...... 820
Supreme Court decisions.... 822
Sustainable design
movement........... 826
SUVs.SeeSport utility vehicles

Tae Bo.............. 829
Tailhook incident........ 829
Take Our Daughters to Work
Day.............. 831
Talk radio............. 832
Tarantino, Quentin....... 834
Tattoos and body piercings... 835
Technology.SeeScience and

Telecommunications Act of
1996.............. 835
Telemarketing.......... 836
Television............. 837
Television ratings system.SeeTV
Parental Guidelines system
Tennis............... 841
Term limits............ 843
Terminator 2: Judgment Day.... 845
Terrorism............. 846
Texas A&M bonfire
collapse............ 849
Theater in Canada........ 850
Theater in the United States... 852
Thelma and Louise......... 854
Thomas, Clarence........ 855
Three strikes laws........ 857
Tibetan Freedom Concerts... 858
Titanic............... 858
Tobacco industry settlement... 860
Toys and games.......... 862
Transgender community..... 865
Travolta, John.......... 867
Troopergate........... 869
Trump, Donald.......... 870
TV Martí............. 871
TV Parental Guidelines
system............. 872
TWA Flight 800 crash...... 873
Twenty-seventh Amendment... 874
Twin Peaks............. 875
Tyson, Mike............ 876

Unabomber capture....... 879
Unforgiven............. 881
United Nations.......... 882
Updike, John........... 883
UPN television network..... 884
U.S. Capitol shooting...... 885
U.S. embassy bombings in
Africa............. 886

Vagina Monologues, The...... 890
ValuJet Flight 592 crash..... 891
Ventura, Jesse........... 892


Complete List of Contents
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