The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

In 2004, Vioxx was removed from the market. While
Celebrex remained available, the FDA recom-
mended that other forms of nonsteroid analgesics
such as acetaminophen be substituted when indi-

Further Reading
Harper, David, and Andrea Meyer.Of Mice, Men, and
Microbes: Hantavirus.San Diego, Calif.: Academic
Press, 1999. Description of the hantavirus out-
break that took place in the Four Corners region
of southwestern United States in the early 1990’s.
Nuland, Sherwin.How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Fi-
nal Chapter.New York: Vintage Books, 1995. Dis-
cussion of methods by which both physicians and
their patients deal with impending death.
Sampson, Wallace, and Lewis Vaughn, eds.Science
Meets Alternative Medicine: What the Evidence Says
About Unconventional Treatments. Amherst, N.Y.:
Prometheus Books, 2000. Collection of articles
that address the quality and efficacy of alternative
medical treatments such as holistic medicine, al-
ternative healing, and therapeutic touching.
Stine, Gerald.AIDS Update 2007. San Francisco:
Benjamin Cummings, 2007. Yearly update on re-
search into the AIDS virus, as well as information
about biological events that follow infection. Dis-
cussion about the progress of treatment is also in-
cluded. Preventives undergoing testing, such as
“pre-exposure prophylaxis,” are also described.
Richard Adler

See also AIDS epidemic; Alzheimer’s disease; An-
tidepressants; Attention-deficit disorder; Autism;
Cancer research; Carpal tunnel syndrome; Clinton,
Bill; Clinton, Hillary Rodham; Depo-Provera; Drug
advertising; Drug use; Elders, Joycelyn; Fen-phen;
Genetic engineering; Genetically modified foods;
Genetics research; Health care; Health care reform;
Human Genome Project; Johnson, Magic; Kevor-
kian, Jack; Laparoscopic surgery; LASIK surgery;
McCaughey septuplets; Nicotine patch; Novello, An-
tonia Coello; Pharmaceutical industry; Physician-
assisted suicide; Science and technology; Silicone
implant ban; Stem cell research; West Nile virus out-

 Men Are from Mars, Women Are
from Venus
Identification Best-selling self-help book
Author John Gray (1951- )
Date Published in 1992
One of the biggest-selling books of the decade and one of the
most widely read books about relationships ever published
in America, Gray’s book dominated the best-seller charts for
over half of the 1990’s.
John Gray’s subtitle forMen Are from Mars, Women Are
from Venusstates his purpose succinctly: to provide
his readers withA Practical Guide for Improving Com-
munication and Getting What You Want in Your Relation-
ships. What distinguished Gray’s work from that of
other authors with similar goals was his approach,
one derived from cultural anthropology and linguis-
tics rather than purely from psychology and conven-
tional wisdom. Gray encourages his readers to inter-
pret conflict between the sexes as the result of
cultural differences not unlike those that confuse
people from one civilization when they interact with
representatives from another. Just as people some-
times misunderstand or offend people from other
societies because of the contrasting values and cus-
toms of the two groups, men (“Martians”) and
women (“Venusians”) likewise annoy each other be-
cause they tend to operate according to different
sets of assumptions, habits, and concerns.
Since both sexes are ignorant of these gender-
based cultural contrasts, men and women take of-
fense where none is intended and so need to study
the cultural values and customs of the opposite gen-
der. Therefore, Gray advises readers about various
differences he perceives in male and female behav-
ior, especially in regard to politeness and language.
For example, women, claims Gray, tend to talk as a
way of thinking through a problem and of relieving
negative emotions, while men tend to talk primarily
to exchange information. As a result of these habits,
a wife may talk to her husband about problems at her
workplace as a means of venting her frustrations.
The wife assumes that her husband understands that
she needs to talk in order to express her feelings;
however, he assumes, based on typically male con-
versational motives, that she is asking for his advice
and so promptly gives it. The wife is then offended
because she interprets his behavior as interruptive
and domineering; the husband is offended because

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