The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

ceived his big break at the Sundance Film Festival,
opened doors for filmmakers like Robert Rodriguez
(with whom he later collaborated), Christopher
Nolan, and others.

Further Reading
Bernard, Jami.Quentin Tarantino: The Man and His
Movies. New York: HarperPerennial, 1995.
Clarkson, Wensley.Quentin Tarantino: The Man, the

Myths, and His Movies. London: John Blake, 2007.
Peary, Gerald, ed.Quentin Tarantino: Interviews. Jack-
son: University Press of Mississippi, 1998.
William Boyle

See also Academy Awards; DVDs; Film in the
United States;Forrest Gump; Independent films; Lit-
erature in the United States; Music; Sundance Film
Festival; Tarantino, Quentin; Travolta, John.

The Nineties in America Pulp Fiction  693

Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) dance at Jack Rabbit Slim’s in the filmPulp Fiction.(Reuters/

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