The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1
could easily identify the enemy and fight with what
are now considered conventional weapons, rather
than the space-age aerial bombardments of the
Gulf War.
Saving Private Ryanwon many international film
awards and five Academy Awards. Many critics
hailed this film as an homage to the brave soldiers of
World War II. The military community also lauded
the film: Spielberg received honors from the Ameri-
can Legion and the U.S. Army, and both Spielberg
and Hanks received awards from the U.S. Navy for
raising awareness about veterans. Overall, this film
served to inspire patriotism; dying Captain Miller’s
words offer a challenge both to Ryan and to the audi-
ence, “Earn this.”

Further Reading
Auster, Albert. “Saving Private Ryan and American
Triumphalism.” InThe War Film, edited by Robert
Eberwein. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Univer-
sity Press, 2005.

Lewis, Jon, ed.The End of Cinema as We Know It: Ameri-
can Film in the Nineties. New York: New York Uni-
versity Press, 2001.
Kathr yn A. Walterscheid

See also Damon, Matt; Film in the United States;
Gulf War; Hanks, Tom;Schindler’s List.

Definition Incidents involving violations of law or
morality, usually by public figures
Following the Iran-Contra, Abscam, and savings and loan
scandals of the 1980’s, the 1990’s offered another wave of
ongoing political and nonpolitical scandals that deeply af-
fected the morale, economy, and government of the United
Because they are unanticipated and violate what so-
ciety terms moral behavior, scandals always cause

744  Scandals The Nineties in America

From left: Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks), Private James Ryan (Matt Damon), and Private Richard Reiben (Edward Burns) prepare
to fight German forces in a scene fromSaving Private Ryan. (Reuters/Landov)

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