The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Sustainable design principles encouraged build-
ers and designers to consider sustainability as part
of the overall project, not an afterthought. During
the 1990’s, the popularity of sustainable design led
to the founding and growth of sustainable design
programs and classes in architectural programs
throughout the United States.

Further Reading
Cairncross, Frances.Costing the Earth: The Challenge
for Governments, the Opportunity for Business.Bos-
ton: Harvard Business School Press, 1993. Pre-
sents a case for governments to create conditions
that encourage businesses to use environmentally
sound practices, and argues that the needs of the
environment and industry are not at odds.
Chapman, Jonathan, and Nick Gant, eds.Designers,
Visionaries, and Other Stories.Sterling, Va.: Earth-
scan, 2007. Essays by some of the world’s leading
thinkers in sustainable design.
Graedel, T. E., and B. R. Allenby.Industrial Ecology.
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995. A
comprehensive and practical introduction to ap-
plying sustainability principles in industry.
McDonough, William, and Michael Braungart.Cra-
dle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. New
York: North Point Press, 2002. An argument for

sustainable design by the authors of the 1992
Hannover Principles. Not specific to architec-
McLennan, Jason F.The Philosophy of Sustainable De-
sign.Bainbridge Island, Wash.: Ecotone, 2004. A
book on the principles of sustainable design, with
strong emphasis on architecture and building.
U.S. Green Building Council. This
official Web site provides information on LEED
Walker, Stuart.Sustainable by Design: Explorations in
Theor y and Practice.Sterling, Va.: Earthscan, 2006.
Discusses theory and practice of sustainable de-
Wertheimer, Lester.Architectural Histor y. Chicago:
Kaplan AEC Education, 2004. A course or text-
book on architectural history that covers twenti-
eth century architecture, including the history of
sustainable design.
Melissa A. Barton

See also Architecture; Biosphere 2; Business and
the economy in Canada; Business and the economy
in the United States; Clean Air Act of 1990; Earth
Day 1990; Global warming debate; Kyoto Protocol;
Organic food movement; Science and technology;
Water pollution.

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