The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

sequels; a suave loan shark in the crime comedyGet
Shorty(1995), for which he won a Golden Globe
Award; a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
agent in the action filmFace/Off(1997); a crusading
attorney in the docudramaA Civil Action(1998); and
an army general in the World War II filmThe Thin
Red Line(1998). In the political satirePrimar y Colors
(1998), as a southern governor running for presi-
dent (clearly based on Bill Clinton), Travolta deliv-
ered a witty performance, exploiting his genial
charm and natural screen warmth for its tendency
toward sentimentality and superficiality.
Although a dedicated member of the Church of
Scientology since the mid-1970’s, Travolta avoids the
proselytizing on behalf of the church common
among other Hollywood members. An accom-
plished pilot, he illustrated and wrote a book for

children,Propeller One-Way Night Coach(1992), to cel-
ebrate his cherished avocation and the birth of his
son, Jett.

Impact Travolta’s comeback in the 1990’s, pro-
pelled by his striking performance in the indie sensa-
tionPulp Fiction, underscored the potential of inde-
pendent film as the site of professional reinvention,
in addition to its crucial role in showcasing new

Further Reading
Clarkson, Wensley.John Travolta: Back in Character.
Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press, 1997.
Hoberman, J.The Magic Hour: Film at Fin de Siècle.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003.
Carolyn Anderson

868  Travolta, John The Nineties in America

A Parisian woman asks John Travolta for his autograph in 1991.(AP/Wide World Photos)
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