Online Sportsbook New Zealand- MyBettingDeals

(mybettingdeals) #1

  1. The 50% bonus up to $/€50 can only be
    wagered on sports betting. Bets placed on Casino or
    Games will not count towards clearance of the
    wagering requirement.

  2. The bonus amount and any associated winnings
    will be transferred from your ‘sport bonus balance’
    to your ‘sport cash balance’ once wagering is
    complete, enabling them to be withdrawn.

  3. Multiple bets placed on the same event will not
    count towards wagering requirements and also
    could be considered as bonus manipulation resulting
    in the removal of your bonus and associated

  4. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction
    with, or contribute to the eligibility for, any other

  5. MansionBet reserve the right to withhold or
    retract any bonus or winnings generated if the bonus
    was mistakenly credited or patterns of abuse are

  6. MansionBet offers are intended for recreational
    customers and MansionBet may limit the eligibility
    of customers to participate in any promotion.

  7. MansionBet reserve the right to suspend,
    modify or cancel this promotion at any stage without
    prior notice.

  8. MansionBet’s General Terms and Conditions,
    including the MansionBet’s General Bonus Terms
    and Conditions apply.

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