Online Sportsbook New Zealand- MyBettingDeals

(mybettingdeals) #1

  1. In case a dispute occurs, it will be handled
    according to complaints procedure set out in the
    General Terms and Conditions and all decisions
    made by LV BET will be deemed final.

  2. LV BET reserves the right to request a copy of
    your ID and proof of deposit to confirm legitimacy.

  3. The option to forfeit the bonus is given. Players
    are kindly requested to contact the support team for
    this option.

  4. Cancelling or forfeiting the bonus (both due to
    customer’s decision or bonus’ expiration) will cause
    all the winnings (from winning bets) plus granted
    bonus to be revoked from the bonus balance. As the
    result of the bonus’ cancellation, the customer is
    eligible to retain at most his initial deposited money
    (losing bets won’t be returned).

  5. If the customer’s account contains both real
    money and bonus funds, at first place bonus funds
    balance will be deducted if the bet meets the bonus
    requirements (minimal odds).

  6. The use of VPN, proxy, IP pool or other services
    and techniques, for the purposes of deliberately
    obscuring, hiding or changing IP addresses in order
    to fraudulently take advantage of bonus or
    promotional offers is strictly forbidden.

  7. All bonuses and promotional offers are
    intended for recreational players only. LV BET
    reserves the right to, at their discretion, limit the
    eligibility of customers for any bonuses and offers, in
    accordance with responsible gaming procedures.

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