
(J-Ad) #1 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS Thursday, June 20, 2024 35





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Visitors to Cornwell’s
Turkeyville USA in Marshall can
dust off their overalls and get ready
for a delightful blast from the past.
Cornwell’s, located at 18935
15-1/2 Mile Road in Marshall, will
hold the Turkeyville Tractor Fun
Pull, a nostalgic antique tractor
pull at 5 p.m. Friday, July 12.

The weekend (July 12-14) will
be fun-filled with all kinds of trac-
tor events, tractor games, tractor
parade and the main event, the
Antique Tractor Pull, according to
a Turkeyville press release.
The schedule of events can be
found online at http://www.turkeyville.

All things tractor will be on site at Cornwell’s Turkeyville in July.

Big wheels roll in to

Turkeyville for tractor pull

At the Mackinac Policy Conference
on May 29, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
announced strides in housing
and energy initiatives to continue
Michigan’s national leadership in
leveraging climate and clean energy-
related federal funding.
This includes raising the five-year
housing production goal by more than
50 percent and investing federal funds
to lower energy costs for 28,000 low-

income households through the Solar
for All and Home Energy Rebate
Programs, the governor’s office said.
The initiatives aim to lower housing
and utility costs for residents and will
put the state closer to achieving the
goals of the MI Healthy Climate Plan,
Whitmer’s office said.
“By raising our statewide housing
goal to 115,000 units, we will build
more housing to drive down costs and

Mich. increasing housing goal with energy initiatives

ensure every Michigander has a safe,
affordable place to call home,” said
According to her office, since
Whitmer became governor,
the Michigan State Housing
Development Authority (MSHDA)
has invested twice as much compared
with the last administration to build,
rehab or finance 34,000 homes, sup-
porting 20,000 jobs.
At the 2021 Mackinac Policy
Conference, the governor set a goal
of permitting, building or rehabbing
75,000 additional units in five years
— by September 2026.
Currently, Michigan is ahead of
schedule with nearly 50,000 units
built, rehabbed or permitted.

On May 29, Whitmer raised the
five-year statewide housing target to
115,000 – a 53 percent increase.
In addition, MSHDA has been
implementing the Statewide Housing
Plan in partnership with the members
of the Statewide Housing Partnership
and the local and regional leaders
of each of the Regional Housing
That work has led to new invest-
ments from the state legislature, solu-
tions that eliminate unnecessary bur-
dens and red tape on developers and
local governments, and collaboration
in support of making neighborhoods
and communities stronger, according
to the governor’s office.

The Center for Educational
Performance and Information report-
ed that Michigan’s graduation rate is
at the second highest-level ever, sec-
ond only to the 2019-20 rate.
According to a Feb. 23 press
release from her Lansing office, Gov.
Gretchen Whitmer made education
a central focus of her 2024 State of
the State Address, calling to expand
pre-K for all and make
community college
tuition-free for all high
school graduates.
“Michigan’s graduation
rate increased for the sec-
ond year in a row and is
approaching an all-time
high. These numbers
reflect the work we’ve
been doing to make sure
every child gets a quality
education that sets them
up for future success,”

Michigan’s graduation rate nears all-time high

said Whitmer.
She added that “we are going to
build on this momentum, which
is why we proposed the Michigan
Guarantee in this year’s budget, so
every Michigander is guaranteed a
tuition-free path from pre-K through
community college. :
Free pre-K saves families an aver-
See GRAD on 36



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