
(J-Ad) #1 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS Thursday, June 20, 2024 39

To: The residents and property owners of the Charter Township of Emmett, Calhoun County, Michigan and any other interested persons.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Charter Township of Emmett Board adopted Ordinance No. 4 of 2024 at a regular board meeting
held on June 13, 2024. A summary of the Ordinance is as follows:
ORDINANCE NO. 4 of 2024
SECTION 1. CUP table amended. Amends the table contained in section 10.10A of Appendix A to the Emmett Charter Township
Code of Ordinances, being the Township Zoning Ordinance, by replacing “Places of amuse./commercial recreation” with “Places of
amusement, entertainment, or recreation” as a conditional use in the General Commercial District and the Regional Service Commer-
cial District, subject to the provisions of Section 10.13.
SECTION 2. Definition Added. Amends Section 21.02 of Appendix A to the Emmett Charter Township Code of Ordinances,
being the Township Zoning Ordinance, by adding a new definition for “Places of amusement, entertainment, or recreation”.
SECTION 3. Conditional Use GC District. Amends Section 15.03 of Appendix A to the Emmett Charter Township Code of
Ordinances, being the Township Zoning Ordinance, which lists the conditional uses allowed in the General Commercial District by
revising subparagraph a. to read: “a. Places of amusement, entertainment, or recreation.”
SECTION 4. Permitted Use RC District. Amends Section 15A.02 of Appendix A to the Emmett Charter Township Code of Or-
dinances, being the Township Zoning Ordinance, which lists the permitted uses in the Regional Service Commercial District, to revise
subparagraph M. to read: “M. Indoor Places of amusement, entertainment, or recreation.”
SECTION 5. Conditional Use RC District. Amends Section 15A.03 of Appendix A to the Emmett Charter Township Code of
Ordinances, being the Township Zoning Ordinance, which lists the conditional uses allowed in the Regional Service Commercial
District, to add a new subparagraph I to read: “I. Outdoor Places of amusement, entertainment, or recreation.”
SECTION 6. Permitted Use LI District. Amends Section 16.02 of Appendix A to the Emmett Charter Township Code of Ordi-
nances, being the Township Zoning Ordinance, which lists the permitted uses in the Light Industrial District, by adding a new subpara-
graph s. to read as follows: “s. Places of amusement, entertainment, or recreation.”
SECTION 7. SEVERABILITY OF INVALID PROVISIONS. If any section of this Ordinance is declared to be unconstitutional,
illegal or of no force and effect by a court of competent jurisdiction, that invalid section shall not affect the validity of any other section
of this Ordinance.
SECTION 8. REPEAL. All other ordinances, resolutions, orders or parts of ordinances that are in conflict with this Ordinance are
repealed to the extent necessary to give this Ordinance full force and effect.
SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect eight (8) days after publication after adoption.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the full text of the Ordinance is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Charter Township
of Emmett at the address set forth below and that a copy of the Ordinance may be inspected, reviewed or purchased by contacting the
undersigned during regular business hours on regular working days. A copy of the Ordinance is also posted on the Township’s website
Tracy Myers, Clerk
621 Cliff Street, Battle Creek, MI 49014
269-968-0241 [email protected]

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Executive Editor
Truckin’ Tuesdays are in full
swing in downtown Battle Creek
at McCamly Park where the Battle
Creek Area Chamber of Commerce
offers food truck options from 11
a.m. to 2 p.m. every other week.
“We started May 7,” said Chamber
of Commerce President Kara Beer.
“We have five trucks every week
and they’re different because they
The last Truckin’ Tuesdays was
June 18, while upcoming dates are
July 9 with Food Bandit, Ibison
Concessions, Joneseiz, Lone Star
Lemonade and PJW Creole; July 23
with Craveable, Farm 2 Fork, GLFC
Ice Cream, Joneseize and Teresa’s
Kitchen; Aug. 6 with Fire and Rice,
Joneseiz, Motor Mouth, On the Roll
and Specialty Cheesecake; and Sept.
10 with Food Bandit, Fox’s Pizza,
Joneseiz, PJW, Creole and Skinny
The event offers picnic style seat-
ing in the park and seating and rest-
rooms are available inside the Kool
Family Community Center adjance
to Gould Street where the trucks are
parked, next to McCamly Park.
And, the event is held rain or
“This is our first year doing it,”
said Beer. “We’re checking on the
popularity and if this is something
that people want, so far, so good and
we’ll probably be bring this back
next year.”
Beer explained that the Chamber’s
partnership with the Kool Center
means customers who don’t want
to eat in the heat can go into the air
conditioned facility.
“And, get cool at the Kool Center,”
said Beer. “We see a lot of folks
from the Federal Center coming
over for their lunch hour, we’ve got
Kellogg employees coming down,
we have music from Pro DJs. It’s
just meant to be another option for
food and get people out of their
offices for the summer.”
Beer said the public reception to
the new option so far has been posi-
“They love it,” said Beer. “We’ve
had requests for certain types of
trucks, different types of food and

Truckin’ Tuesdays is new Chamber offering; Food Truck Fridays underway

Beth Pung and Kara Beer of the Battle
Creek Area Chamber of Commerce
have organized the every other
week Truckin’ Tuesdays for the first
time this year at McCamly Park in
downtown Battle Creek, a lunch time
event that benefits both the food
truck entrepreneurs and people who
have just returned to in-person work
for the first time since the COVID-19
pandemic. (Shopper News photo by Shelly

we’re like, ‘hey, they’re coming on
this date.’ What we have noticed is
like folks coming from the Federal
Center right when we open up and
taking pictures of the menu and
sending it to their team so that they
all know what’s going to be here so
they can come over, grab their food,
sit and eat and go back to work.”
The Chamber started Truckin’
Tuesdays because the Hart-Dole-
Inouye Federal Center, the W.K.
Kellogg Co. and Kellanova have
ended some of its remote work so
many workers have returned to in-
person work two to three days per
Workers began working from home
back in 2020 at the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
“This is a city park that is very
under utilized,” said Beer. “And, it is
beautiful, it’s well cared for and so
the city brought picnic tables down
for us and local businesses have
brought their towels and are sitting
on the ground having a picnic and a
team meeting. I love that.”
Beer said Beth Pung from her
office arranged for Truckin’
Tuesdays to have a variety of differ-
ent foods.
“It’s been fun to watch the commu-
nity get behind it,” said Beer, “and
it’s been getting bigger and bigger.”

Another food truck option in down-
town Battle Creek occurs on Fridays
at The Link Community Event
Center at 311 W. Michigan Avenue.
Food Truck Fridays is schedule to
occur every other Friday from 4-8
p.m. June 21, July 5, July 19, Aug. 2
and Aug. 16, according to informa-
tion provided by the Battle Creek
Small Business Development Office.

Food trucks line Gould Street in front of the Kool Family Community Center
and next to McCamly Park near the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center in
downtown Battle Creek. (Shopper News photo by Shelly Kehrle-Sulser)
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