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20 Thursday, July 4, 2024 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS

Exceptional Cancer Care

You know us and we know cancer. Together, we have what it takes to
turn a cancer diagnosis into a positive journey. Our team of specialists
at Bronson Cancer Center in Battle Creek is leading the way in cancer
care and our center is rated among the best in the nation. We work
closely with you and your family to develop a personalized care plan
that guides and supports you throughout medical, surgical or radiation
treatment and recovery. When you choose one of us, you get the skill,
compassion and fierce determination of all of us!

Learn more at

Michigan Attorney General Dana
Nessel and Department of Licensing
and Regulatory Affairs Director
Marlon I. Brown are reminding
residents to be aware of scam artists
impersonating governmental officials.
The first warning was issued in
2021 after officials received reports
of licensees being told their profes-
sional license was at risk if they did
not comply with demands, including
a payment to maintain their license

with the state.
Last fall, additional reports came
to Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
(LARA), including one from an Ann
Arbor doctor who was contacted by
someone purporting to be from the
State of Michigan.
The caller, who claimed to have
the FBI on the other line, threatened
the doctor with arrest if the physician
didn’t go to the nearest UPS store to
pick up paperwork about the alleged

The doctor was also directed to a
spoofed State of Michigan website.
“Unfortunately, this is yet another
example of the lengths bad actors
will go to scam an unsuspecting per-
son – in this case a licensed doctor

  • to obtain personal information or
    money,” Nessel said in an April 11
    press release from Lansing. “It’s my
    hope licensees will heed this warn-
    ing and remain on high alert any time

State officials reissue warnings about imposter scams

correspondence is received claiming
to be from a LARA representative.”
Brown emphasized the following
while urging licensees to be cautious:

  • Licensees should be suspicious of
    unsolicited requests for any of their
    personal information.
    LARA will not contact licensees
    threatening to suspend their license.

  • If there are any hyperlinks, check
    the URL before clicking. LARA
    websites will have “” in
    the URL.

  • If licensees suspect a fraud,
    they should report it immediately
    by emailing LARA at BPLHelp@ or by calling (517)

The Battle Creek Area Association
of Realtors and several community
partners are offering a free home-
ownership workshop on Tuesday,
July 23, at Second Missionary
Baptist Church, located at 485 N.
Washington Ave. in Battle Creek.
Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m.;
the presentation will begin at 6 p.m.,
said Amanda Lankerd, CEO of the
Realtors group (BCAAR).
“Studies have shown that home
ownership is key to wealth creation
for a family. Whether you are a first-
time homebuyer or have been out
of the housing market for a while,
attend this event to learn about the
home-buying experience and what
to expect throughout the process,”
Lankerd said.
The workshop will cover such top-
ics as the home-buying process; how
much house one can afford; steps to
build or repair credit; types of loans;
and more.
This workshop is free and open to
the public, and Spanish interpretation
will be provided.
An RSVP/registration is required
at; via email at
[email protected]; or by calling (269)

BCAAR hosting free
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