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36 Thursday, July 4, 2024 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS

Sports Editor/Asst. Editor

Battle Creek adult city league base-
ball teams are idle during the current
Fourth of July holiday weekend, but
will get at it again full force start-
ing July 8 – with playoffs then set to
begin July 22.
The winner of this summer’s play-
off series will head to Manistee to
compete July 26-28 in a National
Amateur Baseball Federation
regional series – with the winner of
the regional advancing to the 110th
annual NABF Major Division World
Series that will take place Aug. 1-4
in Lombard, IL.
This will mark the first time in
several years that the NABF World
Series will be played outside of
Battle Creek. The Southern Michigan
Amateur Baseball Association
headed by Terry Newton concluded
a 10-year run hosting the Series last
For the previous 10 years, the win-
ner of the adult city league playoffs

Jack McCulley, right, is manager of the Battle Creek Merchants adult city league baseball team, and he is also again
this season director of the league. (Shopper News file photo by Will Kowalski)

Adult city league baseball teams busy with league play

earned the right to be the host team
for the World Series, and the playoff
runner-up had also made the Series
field on a few occasions over the past
But that has now changed, with
B.C. no longer being the site for the
Jack McCulley, manager of the
Battle Creek Merchants squad, is
again director this year of the city
That said ... following is the
remaining regular-season adult city
league baseball schedule for 2024,
plus more information about the set-
up for the city league playoffs:

  • July 2: Battle Creek Merchants
    vs. Battle Creek Shamrocks, 6 p.m.,
    Bailey Park’s Morrison Field, one
    9-inning game.

  • July 3: Battle Creek Merchants
    vs. Battle Creek Beavers, 6 p.m., and
    Battle Creek Beavers vs. Battle Creek
    Shamrocks, 8 p.m., at Morrison Field,
    9-inning games.

  • July 8: Battle Creek Beavers vs.
    Battle Creek Shamrocks, 6 p.m., at
    Harper Creek High, one 9-inning

  • July 9: Battle Creek Merchants

vs. Battle Creek Shamrocks, 6 p.m.,
at Harper Creek High, one 9-inning

  • July 10: Battle Creek Merchants
    vs. Kalamazoo Maroons, 6 p.m., at
    Nichols Field, one 9-inning game.

  • July 16: Battle Creek Merchants
    vs. Battle Creek Shamrocks, 6 p.m.,
    at Nichols Field, one 9-inning game.

  • July 17: Battle Creek Merchants
    vs. Kalamazoo Maroons, 6 p.m., at
    Harper Creek High, one 9-inning

  • Playoffs July 22-24: Battle
    Creek Merchants vs. Battle Creek
    Shamrocks, best of three series. All
    games will be 9-inning games.

  • Note: In recent action, the Fort
    Wayne Jackers won the third annual
    Carl Angelo-Russ Bortell Memorial
    Tournament played at Bailey Park.
    The Jackers defeated the Shamorocks
    7-2 and the Merchants 4-1 in the




Wednesday, July 24, 2024 @ 4:00 P.M.

Room 301, City Hall, 10 N. Division St.

SPECIAL USE PERMIT #PSUP 24-0001: Petition from Ethan VanderWeele, requesting
a Special Use Permit for property located at 14005 S. Helmer Road for a Farmers Market.
The property is zoned “AG, Agricultural District”. Pursuant to Sec. 1240.04, 1251.15 and
1281.05 of the zoning code. Parcel # 0071-00-890-0.

This hearing is being advertised and will be conducted pursuant to the requirements of
Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended for the purpose of receiving public comments. Writ-
ten comments concerning these items may be submitted in advance of the hearing to
the City of Battle Creek, Department of Planning, 10 N. Division Street, Ste. #117, Battle
Creek, MI 49014 by Monday July 22nd at 12:00 pm. These written comments will be en-
tered into the public hearing record. Any member of the public may appear at these hear-
ings either in person or represented by counsel. Any questions please call the Planning and
Zoning Division at (269) 966-3320.

The City of Battle Creek will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such
as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered
at this meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting upon seven (7) day notice
to the City of Battle Creek. Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should
contact the City of Battle Creek by writing or calling the following: Planning and Zoning
Division, P.O. Box 1717, Battle Creek, Michigan 49016, Phone: 269-966-3320 / TDD: 269-

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