
(J-Ad) #1
38 Thursday, July 4, 2024 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS

Sports Editor/Asst. Editor

As was first announced in last
week’s edition, the Battle Creek
Shuffleboard Club will host the
Michigan Shuffleboard Association
State Tournament for the 10th
consecutive year this coming July
29-Aug. 2 at the courts located just
inside the front entrance to B.C.’s
Bailey Park off Capital Avenue NE.
And, it was also announced last
week that the BCSC is again this
season seeking experienced as well
as new-to-the-sport players, men and
women of all ages, to join its club

  • although joining the club is not a
    requirement to participate in drop-in
    Drop-in play is now taking place
    every Monday, Wednesday and
    Friday starting at 10 a.m., and that
    situation will continue into the early
    fall months, too.
    For those interested in joining the
    club, dues are $10 per person/per
    season – and those new to the sport
    will be given equipment to use and

Several tournaments and drop-in play events involving members and non-
members of the Battle Creek Shuffleboard Club are scheduled for the rest
of July and all through August. (Shopper News file photo by Will Kowalski)

B.C. Shuffleboard Club seeks experienced, novice players

how-to-play advice for their first few
weeks until they decide whether or
not they want to join the club.
Larry Roan of the B.C.
Shuffleboard Club said that those
needing more information or those
with questions should contact him at
(269) 986-5385 or send him an email
at [email protected].
Aside from drop-in play and the
state tournament, several other
events also remain on the club’s cal-
endar for July and August.
Following is the club’s full list of
upcoming activities. All of the fol-
lowing have $10 participation fees:

  • July 8-9: Farley-Estes Draw Any
    Doubles, at B.C., 9 a.m.

  • July 15-16: Belding Draw Any
    Doubles, 8 a.m.

  • July 24-25: Caro Draw Any
    Doubles, 8 a.m.

  • July 29-30: MSA State
    Tournament, Amateur M/L Singles,
    8 a.m. Note: The second date listed
    is for if-necessary rain date purposes.

  • July 30-31: MSA State

Tournament, Amateur M/L Doubles,
8 a.m.

  • July 31-Aug. 1: MSA State
    Tournament, State Unrestricted
    (amateur and/or professional) M/L
    Singles, 8 a.m.

  • July 31: Annual MSA state meet-
    ing, 9 a.m.

  • Aug. 1-2: MSA State Tournament,
    Unrestricted (amateur and/or pro)
    M/L Doubles, 8 a.m.

  • Aug. 10: Davison Draw Any
    Doubles, 10 a.m.

  • Aug. 15-16: Albion Draw Any
    Doubles, 8 a.m.

  • Aug. 19-20: Michigan Memorial
    Draw Any Doubles, at B.C., 10 a.m.

  • Aug. 26-27: Caro Bring Your
    Own Partner Doubles, 8 a.m.

  • Aug. 30: Hot Dogs and Draw Any
    Doubles, at B.C., 10 a.m.
    Note: Aside from Roan, also avail-
    able for more info and/or questions
    is Ed Stemaly at (269) 986-6197 or
    [email protected].

Notice of Public Comment Period on

Proposed FY 2024-2025 Community

Services Block Grant Plan

Community Action will accept public comments as required by the
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services CSBG State Plan on
the FY 2025 proposed plan from July 1, 2024 -August 1, 2024.

The plan summary is as follows:
A total of $1,375,680 is planned to be utilized in Calhoun, Branch, Barry,
Kalamazooand St. Joseph counties for the general purposes of providing
emergency services, housing and weatherization, senior and early
childhood programs.

Persons or organizations wishing to comment on or review the proposed
plan maycontact Community Action Monday- Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. at:
175 Main Street Battle Creek. MI 49014
1-877-422-2726 (voice) OR 1-800-649-3777 (TDD)

The proposed plan will also be available to review at or
can be madeavailable at your local Community Action office if notification
is given one week inadvance.

Community Action is an equal opportunity provider.
Equal opportunity employer.
Free download pdf