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4 Thursday, July 4, 2024 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS

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Continued from Page 1
to Kellogg Arena.
At the Thursday, June 27 perfor-
mance, the 30-some-member band

  • under the guidance of first-year
    director Ryan Miller – played a
    selection of patriotic tunes prior to
    the current Fourth of July Weekend
    holiday period.
    The Post Band still has two more
    dates scheduled for its 2024 summer
    season – on July 11 and on July 18,
    both at 7 p.m. – and both free con-
    certs are scheduled to take place out-
    doors at Festival Market Square.
    Miller – middle school and high
    school band director at Lakeview for
    the past six years and in his 23rd sea-
    son as a band director overall (previ-
    ously at Cedar Springs and Godwin
    Heights schools) – said he’s thrilled
    to now be a part of the Post Band’s
    historic century-plus run.
    “I actually performed with the final
    100th year concert last season, and I
    got to see many of the directors from
    previous years at that performance,”

The Post Band held its third free concert of the 2024 summer season on June 27 at Festival Market Square in
downtown Battle Creek. The band is now in its 101st year of performing, and this year is under the leadership of
first-year director Ryan Miller. (Shopper News photo by Will Kowalski)

Miller said. “It was just cool to see
and be part of the legacy of directors
and conductors who have been with
the band over many previous years.
“And now I just feel that I’m for-
tunate to be doing my own part in
keeping the tradition of the band
One big question was also on the
minds of Post Band concert-goers on
June 27 that also had to do with the
organization’s history.
That had to do with who would
be taking over for Dave Eddy as
longtime MC for the Post Band – as
Eddy said last year that he was step-
ping away from the position after

The Post Band’s third free concert this summer on June 27 was its first to be held outdoors. Two more 7 p.m. Thursday
concert dates for this season remain: On July 11 and July 18. (Shopper News photo by Will Kowalski)

many decades.
“Well, actually, we’re trying to
get Dave back,” Miller said. “He’s
been on vacation the past few weeks,
and I’ve been the one talking to the
crowd and introducing our song
selections so far this summer ... but
we’re going to see if Dave might not
come back this year after all and be
a part of all this as he had for many,
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