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8 Thursday, July 11, 2024 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS


The Salvation Army of Battle Creek

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  • Concession Meal included

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$25 PER

Custer Greens Mini-Golf Course
Battle Creek VA Medical Center
5500 Armstrong Road


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* All Proceeds go to The Salvation Army’s continuing Ministry *

Executive Editor

When the grand marshals of

Thursday’s 40th Newton Township

Fourth of July Parade learned they’d

occupy this year’s seat of honor, Jane

and Larry Roberts said it was quite a


“It was a nice thing to get to be

a grand marshal,” said Jane, sitting

next to her husband of 60 years.

Larry is a former Newton Township

firefighter of 40 years including sev-

eral years as chief.

Larry also worked for 25 years as a

City of Battle Creek firefighter.

The couple has lived in Newton

Township for 60 years.

“I loved it,” said Larry who added

when asked what he loved about it:

“Oh my gosh. Have you got a couple


The couple said the parade, former-

ly hosted by the Home Grange No.

129, has grown in its 40 years.

This year, the parade was organized

for the first time by the Newton

Township Fire Department, led by
Chief Mike Wilson, and its auxiliary.
“We’ve always been involved but
this is the first year our auxiliary’s
taken it over 100 percent,” said
Wilson. “We didn’t want to see it
go away and we had the resources.
We’re giving away free hot dogs,
water and soda down there (in the
township hall formerly known as the
Home Grange.)”
He said while the parade was fairly
large for the one-mile route from 8 ½
Mile Road to the township hall, the
spectator numbers were down.
More than 40 entries in the patriotic
parade included candidates for area
public offices including in Newton
and Emmett townships, bicyclists,
equestrians, tractors, a classic tow
truck owned and restored by cousins
Nathan Ditrapani and Trent Belote,
vintage cars, fire department appa-
ratus from surrounding departments
and the Calhoun County Sheriff’s
Office Mounted Division.
Jane and Larry are the parents of

Jane, Larry Roberts preside over 40th Newton Township July 4th parade

Newton Township residents of more than 60 years, Jane and Larry Roberts,
presided over the 40th July 4 parade Thursday as grand marshals. Larry is a
former Newton Township Fire Chief and Battle Creek Fire Department retiree.
(Shopper News photo by Shelly Kehrle-Sulser)

Crowds lined the streets to see the mile-long Newton Township July 4 parade,
formerly known as the Home Grange Fourth of July Parade. (Shopper News photo
by Shelly Kehrle-Sulser)

Curtis and Craig Roberts who own
Finish Line Laundry, Roberts Story
and Roberts Auto Sales and Jane
works in the business office for their
sons and has for more than 30 years.
Larry first joined the Newton
Township Fire Department in 1964

and over the years, he climbed the
ladder to the chief’s job while at the
same time, he reached the rank of
lieutenant at the City of Battle Creek.

See PARADE on 10
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