The Bulgars and the Steppe Empire in the Early Middle Ages

(Kiana) #1

Fig. 1. Bulgar dikes on the Balkan peninsula (after Fiedler 2008, fig. 2, with
kind permission of Brill).

1—Large Roman Entrenchment in the Bačka; 2—Brazda lui Novac de Nord; 3—Brazda
lui Novac de Sud; 4—embankment near Galati; 5—Upper Bessarabian embankment; ̧
6—Lower Bessarabian embankment; 7—Little Earthen Dike; 8—embankments in
northwestern Bulgaria (Lom, Khairedin, and Ostrov dikes); 9—dikes on the Black Sea
coast; 10—embankments in the Stara Planina; 11—Erkesiia.

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