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8 Thursday, July 25, 2024 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS

Continued from Page 1


The Salvation Army of Battle Creek

FFrriiddaayy,, AAuugguusstt 99 tthh

11 :: 0000 ppmm - - 66 :: 0000 ppmm

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For more information, call 269-963-

  • Pre-registration required!

  • Prizes & Drawings! Silent Auction!

  • Gather your Team 4-6 players

  • Concession Meal included

  • Sponsorship Opportunities Available

$25 PER

Custer Greens Mini-Golf Course
5500 Armstrong Road
Battle Creek


Call Jeremy Collins at 269�964�9856^ 269�969�

* All Proceeds go to The Salvation Army’s continuing Ministry *


The Salvation Army of Battle Creek

For more information, call 269-963-

Call Jeremy Collins at 269�964�

* All Proceeds go to The Salvation Army’s continuing Ministry *

Hit-Em-Here Mini-Golf Course
1790 E. Columbia Avenue
Battle Creek


FFrriiddaayy,, AAuugguusstt 99 tthh

11 :: 0000 ppmm - - 66 :: 0000 ppmm

  • Shotgun start each hour

  • Families & All, use QR code or call
    963-3640 to preregister

  • Prizes & Drawings! Silent Auction!

  • Concession Meal included



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Oak Ridge Office Park
395 South Shore Drive, Suite 204Battle Creek, Michigan 49014

Law Office Of
cindy L. ThOmas

Marriage Over?
Don’t Litigate, Collaborate!
Maintain Respect - Resolve Your Issues
Don’t let a stranger decide on your children’s future
Less Stress, Lower Costs, and Happier Kids

Oak Ridge Office Park
395 South Shore Drive, Suite 204Battle Creek, Michigan 49014


Law Office Of
cindy L. ThOmas

Marriage Over?
Don’t Litigate, Collaborate!
Maintain Respect - Resolve Your Issues
Don’t let a stranger decide on your children’s future
Less Stress, Lower Costs, and Happier Kids

395 South Shore Drive, Suite 204Oak Ridge Office Park
Battle Creek, Michigan 49014

Law Office Of
cindy L. ThOmas

Marriage Over?
Don’t Litigate, Collaborate!
Maintain Respect - Resolve Your Issues
Don’t let a stranger decide on your children’s future
Less Stress, Lower Costs, and Happier Kids

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Oak Ridge Office Park
395 South Shore Drive, Suite 204
Battle Creek, Michigan 49014

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High who, while attending Michigan

State University a year later, joined

the military reserves and was in the

Marines from 1994-2000, earning

the rank of E-5 Sergeant in Bridge

Company Alpha in Battle Creek –

delivered two world chin-ups records

between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7

p.m. on Friday, May 3.

First, he set a new Guinness world

record for chin-ups in an eight-hour

period of 3,800 – bettering the for-

mer record of 3,751.

And then continuing on for another

four hours, Solano established a new

world mark for chin-ups in a 12-hour

period with 5,107 – surpassing the

former mark of 4,649.

The world record achievements

came three years after Solano had

tried to set a world record for chin-

ups in a 24-hour period at his Biggby

franchise location on Capital Avenue

NE across from B.C.’s Bailey Park.

That situation didn’t come to frui-

tion, however, due to Solano suffer-

ing a severe right bicep injury that

Forty-nine-year-old Charles Solano,
a chin-up world record holder for two
time periods (right), is shown with
his wife Jessica (left) and daughter
Kaia (center) after accomplishing
the feats on May 3. (Shopper News photo
by Will Kowalski)

popped up and ended his attempt
with several hours to go.
But now, look up “world chin-
up records” by doing a search on
the internet, and the name Charles
Solano of Battle Creek pops up not
once, but twice.
And Solano now has the official
certificates from Guinness, which
came to him through the mail recent-
ly, to prove he’s No. 1 in the world
chin-ups list for two time periods.
‘Surreal’ Feeling
“It’s still pretty surreal what I
accomplished, and I feel very grate-
ful,” said Solano late last week while
holding up the official Guinness cer-
tificates, again at his Biggby location
in Springfield.
“Setting those two world records,
it’s just a sense of accomplishment
for me. It gives me confidence and
belief in myself that I can take on
some pretty lofty goals and achieve
them. And if what I did can inspire
other people to accomplish difficult
things as well, so much the better.”
At the end of his 12-hour chin-
ups performance in early May, after
having unofficially (now officially)
broke two world records, two com-

ments rang out in the air in the office
area where he accomplished his feats

  • an office area where he could be
    seen through windows both inside
    the Biggby lobby and outside next
    to the drive-up sign doing his one to
    three to five chin-up reps per minute.
    One comment was by Solano: “Not
    too shabby!”
    The other comment was by his
    10-year-old daughter Kaia: “I love
    you daddy” – after which Solano told
    both his daughter and his wife he
    loved them, too.
    Those words were followed by a
    group hug involving Solano, Kaia
    and his wife Jessica – whom Solano
    met while working at Kellogg’s after
    leaving the military service in 2000
    (with Solano then later opening his
    first Biggby Coffee franchise in B.C.
    in 2016 in the Wattles Park area).
    The occasion, indeed, was a joyous
    “I had great support all around
    for this. From my family, from my
    friends, from a lot of people,” Solano
    said. “I couldn’t have achieved this
    without all that support.”
    Solano’s world records came about
    a year after he suffered a heart attack
    while vacationing in the south. And
    they came a day before he kept his
    word by running in a 5K military
    fundraiser with Kaia at his side.
    Well, at his side for most of the
    “That 5K wound up going pretty
    good,” Solano said. “My only real
    goal was to not stop, and at times I
    was down to almost a shuffle, but
    my daughter Kaia ran it with me.
    And that helped me keep my focus.
    “And as far as finishing that 5K,
    well, my daughter smoked me. She
    did it in 30 minutes and I think I
    did it in 35. But I didn’t stop. Just
    like the chin-ups world records day,
    the day before, I didn’t stop. I think
    I was running on dopamine highs
    during that 5K, and I think I’m still
    experiencing dopamine highs every
    day since then, for sure.”
    Solano said he’s now “contemplat-
    ing what’s next” in his life after set-

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