074 Cycle Touring Malaysia (2)

(Leana) #1

(^58) Kluang – Muar - 108 km

The 17th came and went, and still no passport news. Sigh. I assume
the passport wasn’t in the diplomatic bag as promised. The route to
Muar was uneventful, and once in Muar the town was more significant
than I had foreseen.
I had a long chat with the man at the reception desk. What
impressed me was that Malaysians generally speak up to six
languages: predominantly Malay, English, Cantonese and Mandarin,
and various other dialects.
Muar – Port Dickson - 126 km

I pushed on to Port Dickson as I had already cycled this section a few
weeks earlier. Once in Port Dickson, I pitched the tent on the beach
under trees, a lovely spot with a view over the ocean, where I sat
watching the sunset before trundling to a nearby restaurant.
Port Dickson – Puchong - 90 km

No day comes without a few surprises and this morning was no
different. I woke to a massive storm and had to lean against the
tentpole with all my might to prevent it from breaking or tearing the
tent. Rain bucketed down, and I feared I pitched the tent too close to
the water’s edge as I could hear the waves crashing ashore.
Fortunately, the tide never came quite that high but when the storm
subsided, I discovered seafoam inches from the tent. Phew, that was
too close for comfort!

Sopping wet, I biked toward Puchong where the plan was to stay at
Peter’s place for a few days or at least until my new passport arrived.

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