074 Cycle Touring Malaysia (2)

(Leana) #1

(^66) Puchong

Finally, my passport arrived, and I was happy to move along. The
question remained where to go. India and Bangladesh were my first
choices. Applying for visas in Kuala Lumpur made sense, seeing I was
already there. However, being a weekend, and the following Monday
a holiday, it was Tuesday before I went to the Bangladesh Embassy.
Peter drove me to the city only to find the Embassy only issued visas
to Malays. Hence, I decided to cycle north to Bangkok and apply for
an Indian visa there.
Puchong – Sekinchan - 110 km

Although sad to leave Peter and his family, I was happy to get
underway. Peter suggested a smaller path along the coast, which was
great for cycling and far better than the main road. This was my kind
of riding - a quiet path along the beach with only a few monkeys and
the odd monitor lizard.
Sekinchan – Sitiawan - 127 km

Breakfast was roti canai, but barely 10 kilometres further, I had to
make a Gaviscon stop. Chillies, which I should’ve known by then,
wasn’t such a good idea first thing in the morning. Later, I returned to
the tiny coastal path of the previous day and proceeded past small
fishing hamlets and lovely-looking resorts with cabins on stilts over
the water. My path weaved its way through palm plantations until
reaching a river that mercifully had a ferry to take me across.

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