074 Cycle Touring Malaysia (2)

(Leana) #1

(^70) I felt privileged to return to Penang with its historic district and an
immense variety of street food and street art. I searched for a visa
agent as only a two-week stay was typically granted at Thailand land
borders. One can, nonetheless, easily obtain a three-month visa
beforehand but it comes at the cost of RM150. As I planned on
applying for an Indian and Bangladesh visa in Bangkok, I opted for
the three-month option.
Loads of places offered visa services, and I handed my passport to
them to do what was necessary.

As the visa took a day or two, I had a relaxing day. Finally, I started a
new blog as I couldn’t access the old one even though I knew the
password, email and username. The problem being I no longer had
access to the phone number provided many moons ago—what a load
of crap!

I finally gave up trying. The new blog kept me busy, as the last
update was way back in the Philippines in 2013. In fact, it took
another seven years before I could delete the old blog!

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