Polearms 83
The early examples of this type can be assigned to the Merovingian
spearheads,50 while its later representatives differ in their form and chronol-
ogy, demonstrating that formal attributes are not always suitable for creating
closed types with a narrow date range or distribution. The Blade is Shorter than the Socket (P.I.B/2)
The blade of this type is reed-shaped, short and of rhombic cross section. The
length of the blade is around 10 cm, while the socket is longer than the blade
(map 7, figs. 23–24). The type is widely distributed in the Avar Age, with 29 such
examples known, and which are evenly distributed across all three phases:
eighteen examples are known from the Early phase,51 four from the Middle52
and seven from the Late phase,53 while the chronology of those pieces from
Gâmbaş are still under debate.54
With the exception of the single Transylvanian example55 all early pieces
were found in Transdanubia (map 7).56 Most of the early examples are char-
50 Type Y10 (Koch 2001, 62).
51 Aiud grave No. ‘II’ (Horedt 1956, 396; Horedt 1958, 91–92. fig. 10/14; Cosma et al. 2013, 57–58,
fig. 28); Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 200, 728; Cikó grave No. 109 (Wosinsky 1896, 902.
CCI. t; Kovrig 1955b, 167; Kiss – Somogyi 1984, 45. 9. tábla 7); Kehida–TSz-major grave
No. 2 (Szőke 2002, 77. 8/b); Kölked–Feketekapu A grave No. 324 (Kiss 1996, 91–92. Taf.
68/11); Környe grave No. 124 (Salamon – Erdélyi 1971, 26, Taf. 124/36); Oroszlány I. grave
No. 18 (Sós 1958, 111. Abb. 22); Pókaszepetk–Mesterföldek, Avar utca grave No. 82, 242 and
332 (Sós – Salamon 1995, 64–65, 67, 145, Pl. IX/1, Pl. LXXXI/1, 161, Pl. XVIII/1, Pl. LXXXI/5,
166–167. Pl. XX).
52 Čataj I. Zemanské-Gejzovce grave No. 148 (Szentpéteri 1993, 121); Kölked–Feketekapu
B grave No. 541 (Kiss 2001, 164–167, Taf. 90/1); Pécs–Kertváros grave No. 391 (Heinrich –
Tamáska 2005, 148, 150. Abb. 1); Pókaszepetk–Mesterföldek, Avar utca grave No. 415 (Sós –
Salamon 1995, 64–65, 67, 182, Pl. XXVII/12, LXXXI/6); Vác–Kavicsbánya grave No. 103
(Tettamanti 2000, 24–25. Taf. 3/5).
53 Bóly–Sziebert puszta grave No. 20 (Papp 1962, 174–175. VII. t. 18); Devinska Nová Ves–A
Tehel’ňa grave No. 234 (Eisner 1952, 65–66. Obr. 28/2); Kehida–TSz-major grave No. 67
(Szőke 2002, 77. 8/f ); Komárno–3. Váradiho u. grave No. 11 and 20 (Čilinská 1982, 349–351.
tab. V/22; 354, tab. VII/25); Komárno–8. Shipyard grave No. 63 (Trugly 1987, 262–263. Taf.
54 Gâmbaş grave No. ‘I’, ‘ IX’, ‘XVII’ (Horedt 1958, 96–97. fig. 14/1, 99. fig. 14/2. 14/13, 100, fig.
55 Aiud grave No. ‘II’ (Horedt 1956, 396; Horedt 1958, 91–92. fig. 10/14; Cosma et al. 2013, 57–58,
fig. 28.).
56 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 200, 728; Cikó grave No. 109 (Wosinsky 1896, 902; CCI.
t.; Kovrig 1955b, 167; Kiss – Somogyi 1984, 45. 9. tábla 7); Kehida–TSz-major grave No. 2
(Szőke 2002, 77. 8/b); Kölked–Feketekapu A grave No. 324 (Kiss 1996, 91–92. Taf. 68/11);