Avar-Age Polearms and Edged Weapons. Classification, Typology, Chronology and Technology

(Nandana) #1


parts of the horse harness94 showing that this variant remained in use until the

second half of the 8th century.

This variant cannot be dated to a shorter period and there is no formal dif-

ference between the pieces dated to the various phases, with the main reason

for its longevity likely being its simplicity and functionality.

List of variant P.I.B.3.e:

1 Aiud grave No. ‘I’ (Horedt 1956, 396; Horedt 1958, 91., fig. 10/1)—Early

2 Aradac–Mečka grave ‘A’ (Nađ 1959, 63, tab. XIII/4)—Early

3 Aradac–Mečka grave No. 1 (Nađ 1959, 55, 68. tab. I/7; Mrkobrad 1980, 98,

152, LXXX/5, 6, 14)—Early

4 Band (Mezőbánd) grave No. 49 (Kovács 1913, 324, 42. kép)—Early

5 Band (Mezőbánd) grave No. 52 (Kovács 1913, 324–325, 43. kép 15)—Early

6 Band (Mezőbánd) grave No. 142 (Kovács 1913, 345, 67. kép)—Early

7 Band (Mezőbánd) grave No. 159 (Kovács 1913, 355, 77. kép)—Early

8 Bernolákovo grave No. 59 (Kraskovská 1962, 437–438, tab. XIII/4)—Late?

9 Bratislava–Devinska Nová Ves–A –Tehel’ňa grave No. 414 (Eisner 1952, 95,

Obr. 55/7)—Late?

10 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 68 (MTA RI—Early

11 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 851—Early

12 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 993—Early

13 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 1156—Early

14 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 1177—Early

15 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 1330—Early

16 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 1380—Early

17 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 1506—Early

18 Budapest XXI. Csepel–Háros grave No. 28 (Nagy 1998, 152, Taf. 104/5)—


19 Csákberény–Orondpuszta grave No. 108 (IKM 10.258)—Early

20 Káloz–Nagyhörcsökpuszta grave No. 2 (Fitz 1960, 67; Bóna 1971a, 273)—


demonstrated by its shield-shaped cast mounts and cast strap-end composed of two
pieces decorated by vegetal ornaments (Trugly 1993, 207. Abb. 30. Taf. XXXVIII).
94 The chronology of these artefacts is based on the hat-shaped phalerae (part of the horse-
harness) from grave No. 8 of Komárno–Váradiho u. (Čilinská 1982, 349. Tab. III), the grave
No. 14 of Žitavska Tôň is similarly dated by its hat-shaped phalerae (Budinský-Krička 1956,
21–22. Tab. XX) and the gilded copper alloy plume (part of the horse-harness) of grave
No. 129 of Komárno-Shipyard (Trugly 1993, 207. Abb. 29. Taf. XXXVI).

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