Avar-Age Polearms and Edged Weapons. Classification, Typology, Chronology and Technology

(Nandana) #1


46 Veszprém–Jutas grave No. 121 (Rhé – Fettich 1931, 26. IV. 11; Kovrig 1955b,


47 Veszprém–Jutas grave No. 173 (Rhé – Fettich 1931, 31. IV/30)—Early

The socket of a special variant of reed-shaped spearhead is closed by

a ring pulled over it (P.I.B/3.f ). Only five spearheads belong to this

variant,95 and the only datable burial is found in Žitavská Tôň which is dated

to the Late phase based on its cast belt-set and harness mounts.96 Grave No. 7

of Virt is dated to the Early phase by its horse bit with antler psalia,97 but their

dating to the 8th century is more probable for the rest.

1.1.3 Broad Reed-shaped with Curved Edges (P.I.C)

Five examples belong to this type, all dated to the Early phase (map 9, fig. 28).98

The blade is relatively broad (2.5–3 cm), its edges are curved, its cross section is

flat rhombic, its shape is similar to a sugar-cone, its neck is very narrow, and the

socket is also narrow. Most of the examples are from Budakalász (fig. 28),99

the only exception being the spearhead from Dávod.100 The type is dated

by the stamped hemispherical harness mounts of grave No. 84 of Budakalász.

1.1.4 Reed-shaped Blade with Broad Shoulder (P.I.D/1)

Only six spearheads belong to this transitional type which has similar attri-

butes to the triangular spearheads: broad shoulder, tapered blade of flat rhom-

bic or lens-shaped cross section, and the blade being longer than the socket

(map 10, fig. 29.).

95 Bratislava–Devinska Nová Ves–A–Tehel’ňa grave No. 781 (Eisner 1952, 164, t. 110/5); Kehida–
TSz-major grave No. 22 (Szőke 2002, 77. 8/c); Radvaň nad Dunajom–Virt grave No. 7 (Točík
1992, 27. Obr. 35/27); Radvaň nad Dunajom–Žitavská Tôň grave No. 10/1956 (Budinský –
Krička 1956, 16–20. Tab. XIX/21); Tiszaderzs–Szentimrei út grave No. 92 (Kovrig 1975, 223.
fig. 10/2).
96 Grave No. 10 of Žitavska Tôň is dated to the second half of Late phase by gilded shield-
shaped belt-mounts cast of copper alloy, the iron phalerae with copper alloy button, the
harness-mounts with scale-ornament cast of copper alloy. (Budinský-Krička 1956, 16–20.
Tab. XIX).
97 Točík 1992, 27. Obr. 35.
98 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 529, 832, 1077, 1235; Dávod–Rétaljai szőlők, Vágner A.
szőlője, stray find (Gubitza 1908, 419–420, 8. kép).
99 Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 529, 832, 1077, 1235.
100 Gubitza 1908, 419–420; 8. kép.

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