ern Slovakia,171 and Transylvania.172 This territorial difference also reflects a
chronological division, since all of the Transdanubian and Transylvanian
artefacts are dated to the Early phase, while the spearheads of Southwestern
Slovakia belong to the Late phase. The chronological position of the spear-
heads from Tiszafüred are exceptional since most of them are dated to the
Middle phase except for one example which is dated to the beginning of the
8th century.173
Their chronological distribution is also even, and according to their burial
context they were in use during the Early (six examples from Transdanubia
and Transylvania),174 Middle (three examples from the Great Hungarian Plain:
all from the Tiszafüred cemetery)175 and Late phases (eight examples from
Southwestern Slovakia and Great Hungarian Plain).176
1.3.2 Narrow Lenticular Spearheads of Flat Rhombic or Lenticular Cross
Section (P.III.B) The Blade is Longer than the Socket (P.III.B/1.d)
The main characteristic of this type (P.III.B/1.d) is its smaller size, narrower
blade width, lighter weight and narrower socket (diameter of 1.5 cm) than
that of spearheads of type P.III.A/1. Their length is around 25–30 cm, but
Taf. 125, Taf. 183/1; 120. Abb. 48. Taf. 140. Taf. 187); Valalíky–Všechsvätých grave No. 44/83
(Béreš 1984, 40; Zábojník 1995, Taf. III).
171 Bernolákovo grave No. 53 (Kraskovská 1962, 436–437. tab. XI/1); Bratislava–Devinska
Nová Ves–A–Tehel’ňa grave No. 95 (Eisner 1952, 30–31, Obr. 28/1); Čataj I. Zemanské-
Gejzovce grave No. 145 (Hanuliak – Zábojník 1982, 498; Szentpéteri 1993, 121); Radvaň nad
Dunajom–Žitavská Tôň grave No. 33 (Čilinská 1963, 95–96. tab. X/35); Štúrovo – Vojenské
cvičisko grave No. 154 (Točík 1968b, 44–45. Taf. XXXIV/23).
172 Band grave No. 115 (Kovács 1913, 341. 63. kép); Noşlac grave No. 16 (Rusu 1962, fig. 4/11).
173 Tiszafüred–Majoros grave No. 1009/a (Garam 1995, 120. Abb. 48. Taf. 140. Taf. 187).
174 Band grave No. 115 (Kovács 1913, 341. 63. kép); Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 245;
Budapest XXI. Csepel–Háros grave No. 73 (Nagy 1998, 169, Taf. 114/14); Noşlac grave No.
16 (Rusu 1962, fig. 4/11); Vác–Kavicsbánya grave No. 189 (Tettamanti 2000, 42–43. Taf. 9/3);
Várpalota–Gimnázium grave No. 218 (Erdélyi – Németh 1969, 192. XXIII. t. 4).
175 Tiszafüred–Majoros grave No. 451, 757 and 831 (Garam 1995, 60; Abb. 25; Taf. 92, Taf. 179/1,
94, Taf. 117, 101, Taf. 125, Taf. 183/1).
176 Bernolákovo grave No. 53 (Kraskovská 1962, 436–437. tab. XI/1); Bratislava–Devinska
Nová Ves–A–Tehel’ňa grave No. 95 (Eisner 1952, 30–31, Obr. 28/1); Čataj I. Zemanské-
Gejzovce grave No. 145 (Hanuliak – Zábojník 1982, 498; Szentpéteri 1993, 121); Radvaň nad
Dunajom–Žitavská Tôň grave No. 33 (Čilinská 1963, 95–96. tab. X/35); Štúrovo–Vojenské
cvičisko grave No. 154 (Točík 1968b, 44–45. Taf. XXXIV/23); Szentes–Nagyhegy grave No. 31
(Csallány 1956, 923–925); Tiszafüred–Majoros grave No. 1009/a (Garam 1995, 120. Abb. 48.
Taf. 140. Taf. 187); Valalíky–Všechsvätých grave No. 44/83 (Béreš 1984, 40; Zábojník 1995,
Taf. III).