Avar-Age Polearms and Edged Weapons. Classification, Typology, Chronology and Technology

(Nandana) #1

Edged Weapons 167

(map 28). A number of these swords were decorated with gold, silver or copper

alloy sheet about their hilt and scabbard (12 examples, 23%).

35 double-edged swords with lenticular cross section do not have a cross-

guard and their hilt and scabbard was not decorated by precious metal sheets

(E.I.B/1.a: fig. 61). All of these weapons are dated to the Early phase, their geo-

graphical distribution is even, being known from Transdanubia40 and a sig-

nificant number from Transtisia,41 with far fewer found in the Danube-Tisza

interfluve (map 28).42 This geographical distribution is probably a conse-

quence of the early chronology of these weapons.

The hilt of some of these swords is flat, rectangular in shape and fitted with

one or two rivets, this variant being mainly characteristic of Transdanubia.43

40 11 swords belong to this variant (33.3%) from the Transdanubian sites: Andocs–Újhalastó
grave No. 21 (Garam 1973, 134, 6. ábr 42; Simon 1991, 286); Bicske–Óbarok (Fülöp 1984, 257–
258, 6. ábra; Simon 1991, 287); Bóly–Sziebert puszta B grave No. 21 (Papp 1962, 185. XXI);
Budakalász–Dunapart grave No. 458; Cikó; Erzsébet–belterület (Pusztaszenterzsébet;
Püspökszenterzsébet) ( Juhász 1897, 263; Hampel 1905. II. 332; Kiss 1977, 25); Környe, stray
finds, two examples (Salamon – Erdélyi 1971, 30, Taf. 34/4–5); Pápa–Úrdomb grave No. 1
( Jankó 1930, 128. 136–138. 140. 87. kép 16; Simon 1991, 304); Tokod–Várberek (Bakay 1967,
137–138); Tokod (MNM 36/1907).
41 16 swords from Transtisia (48.48%): Deszk G grave No. 49 (Csallány 1939, 137; Simon 1991,
291); Deszk M, Czuczi I. földje grave No. 1 (Csallány 1939, 137; Simon 1991, 291); Deszk O,
Czuczi III grave No. 3 (Csallány 1939, 137; Csallány 1969–1971, 13; Simon 1991, 291); Deszk O,
Czuczi III grave No. 5 (Csallány 1972, 13); Deszk P (Klárafalva–Kukutyin) grave No. 1 (MFM
53.23.22); Deszk P (Klárafalva–Kukutyin) grave No. 2 (Csallány 1939, 137; Trogmayer 1984,

    1. lh; Simon 1991, 291); Deszk Sz grave No. 16 (Csallány 1939, 137; Trogmayer 1984, 89.

  1. lh); Dudeştii Vechi (Óbesenyő, Bukova puszta) (Kisléghy Nagy 1911, 314); Elek–Kispél,
    homokbánya, Ottlakai szőlők (Csallány 1956, 110. 252. lelőhely; ADAM, 127); Ferencszállás–
    Lajtár Gy.–Bárdos P. halma grave No. 3 (Csallány 1939, 17; Csallány 1956, 285); Gyoma–
    Torzsás-zug (MRT 8. 1989. 4/276); Mokrin–Vodoplav grave No. 62 (Mrkobrad 1980, 98, 152;
    Simon 1991, 302; Balogh 2004, 268. 299. 23. kép 48); Mokrin–Vodoplav grave No. 67 (Balogh
    2004, 268–269. 24–25. kép, 25. kép 21); Szegvár–Oromdűlő grave No. 100 (Simon 1991, 306;
    Lőrinczy 1992, 90–100. Abb. 12/3); Szőreg–Homokbánya grave No. 2 (Bálint – Maráz 1971,
    75–76; Trogmayer 1977, 65; Kürti 1983, 187; Simon 1991, 307); Tiszavasvári–Koldusdomb
    grave No. 1 (Csallány 1960a, 51–55. XVI. t. 2; Simon 1991, 308, 14. kép 4. 15. kép 11).
    42 Six examples, 18.18%: Jászapáti–Nagyállás út grave No. 402 (Madaras 1994, 95, Taf. L/12);
    Szeged–Makkoserdő grave No. 142 (Salamon 1995, 122–123, 162. Pl. 10); Szeged–Makkoserdő
    grave No. 285 (Salamon 1995, 134, 162. Pl. 20/1); Tiszavárkony–Hugyin-part grave No. 24
    (Kiss 1962, 22–23. XII/1. tábla, XXXVII. t. 3; Simon 1991, 308); Tiszavárkony–Hugyin-part
    grave No. 55 (Kiss 1962, 45. XXXVII. t. 5; Simon 1991, 309); Zagyvarékas–Gát (Könyöki 1897;
    Csallány 1956, 1073. lh).
    43 Andocs–Újhalastó grave No. 21 (Garam 1973, 134, 6. ábr 42); Bóly–Sziebert puszta grave No.
    B 21 (Papp 1962, 185. XXI, XXVII. t. 4) and the stray finds of Környe (Salamon – Erdélyi 1971,
    30, Taf. 34/4–5).

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