Avar-Age Polearms and Edged Weapons. Classification, Typology, Chronology and Technology

(Nandana) #1

xx list of figures, maps and diagrams

88 Ring-pendants and rhombic rivets: 1. Szegvár–Sápoldal (Bóna 1979, 5., 8., 3. kép

1; Bóna 1980, 48–52; Simon 1991, 306, 10. kép 4, 16. kép 10; Garam 1992, 139–140,
Taf. 18.); 2, Kölked–Feketekapu A, grave No. 257 (Kiss 1996, 75, Taf. 56/1.);

  1. Kölked–Feketekapu A, grave No. 260 (Kiss 1996, 76, Taf. 57/1.); 4. Zsámbok,
    grave No. 1 (Garam 1983, 140, Abb. 1/1,2, Abb. 6/1,2, Abb. 7; Simon 1991, 312, 16.
    kép 14.); 5. Kölked–Feketekapu A, grave No. 107 (Madaras 1986, 92, 4. ábra
    (térkép); Simon 1991, 295; Kiss 1996, 41, 232, Taf. 34/1.)

89 Decorated sword hilts: 1. Košice, Archaeological Institute, unknown site,

  1. Sasanian sword (RGZM Inv. No. O. 38822; after Bohner – Ellmers –
    Weidemann 1972, 42.); 3. Gyenesdiás–Algyenes, Bartók Béla és Hámán Kató
    utca, grave No. 64 (Müller 1989, Abb. 2, 143–147, Abb. 3–5.)
    90 The hilt of the single-edged sword of Košice–Šebastovce, grave No. 94

(Budinský-Krička – Točík 1984, 174, Obr. 1; Obr. 4–5; Budinský-Krička – Točík
1991, 25–26, Taf. XII/7.)

91 Early Avar crossguards
92 Crossguards of type CG. 4

93 Crossguards of type CG.5 and the structure of crossguard type CG.5.a: Baracs–
Ágocs-tanya (Nagy 1901b, 285; Hampel 1905. I. 196–197, 470–471. kép, II. 628–629;
Hampel 1907, 109–110; Csallány 1956, 109, No. 244; Bóna 1982-83, 110–111.)
94 Crossguards of type CG.6: 1. Košice–Šebastovce, grave No. 94 (Budinský-

Krička – Točík 1984, 174, Obr. 1, Obr. 4–5; Budinský-Krička – Točík 1991, 25–26,
Taf. XII/7.); 2. Budapest X. Rákos, Ejtőernyőstorony, grave No. 1 (Nagy 1998,
I. 69, II. Taf. 54 A, Taf. 152/1a–b.)

95 Crossguards of type CG.7: 1. Čierny Brod I. – Homokdomb, grave No. 2
(Čilinská – Točik 1978, 46; Točík 1992, 9–12, Obr. 7; Zábojník 1995, No. 19.);

  1. Garabonc I. Grave No. 55 (Szőke 1992a, 504, Taf. 20.)
    96/1–2 Decorations of frame-bands used on sword scabbards (after Simon 1991, 12.

97 Representations of sword suspension from the 7th century: 1. Representation

of a Chinese envoy (Afrasiab I. building, after Al’baum 1971, ris. 11); 2.
Representation of Korean envoys (Afrasiab I. building, after Al’baum 1971, ris.
11); 3.. Representation of a Hephtalite envoy (Afrasiab I. building, after Al’baum
1971, ris. 11); 4. Representation of two-point suspension on the David-plate from
Cyprus (629-630) (drawing by Magda Éber)
98 The suspension of spathae: S.1 and S.2
99 The basic types of P-shaped suspension loops

100 P-shaped suspension loops: S.4.a: 1. Mór–Akasztódomb, grave No. 25 (Török
1954, 56–58, 4. kép, IX. t. 1; Simon 1991, 302.); 2. Csanytelek–Felgyői határút,
grave No. A (Kürti 1979, 68; Kürti 1980, 1279–1280; Kürti 1983, 173, 28 kép; Kürti
1990, 79–80, 1. kép; Simon 1991, 289; Lőrinczy – Szalontai 1993, 282, Taf. VII.);

  1. Fajsz–Garadomb, grave No. 2 (Balogh – Kőhegyi 2001, 333–363.); 4. Dabas

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