Edged Weapons 209
Strongly curved blades (E.III.C) are less numerous, their curvature quo-
tient is higher than 2.5% and their segment height is more than 21 mm. Only
11 sabre blades belong to this rare type (map 36, fig. 81). The most curved sabre
blade of the Avar Age was found in grave No. 820 at Želovce (fig. 81/4),159 the
inner segment height of which is 42 mm, similar to the blade from IIIrd find
from Igar (at 33 mm, fig. 81/2),160 as well as the sabre from Berettyóújfalu-Nagy-
bócs dűlő161 and from grave No. 2 at Öskü-Agyaggödör.162 Most of these sabre
blades were equipped with crossguards (nine pieces),163 though such blades
without crossguard are also known.164 The type is mainly found in the cen-
tral area of the Carpathian Basin, and is a rare find in the northern periphery
of this region,165 while it is quite frequent in Transdanubia166 and the Great
Hungarian Plain (map 36).167 Strongly curved blades are mostly characteristic
159 Želovce grave No. 820 (Čilinská 1973, 180, Taf. CXXXI/1).
160 Igar–Vámszőlőhegy, Petőfi u. 56. grave No. III (Marosi 1931, 6–7; Fülöp 1987, 17. 8. ábra;
Fülöp 1988, 167–168. Abb. 14).
161 Dani – Szilágyi – Szelekovszky – Czifra – Kisjuhász 2006, 16. Unpublished; I am indebted
to Márta Szelekovszky for this information.
162 Rhé – Fettich 1931, 42–43.
163 Berettyóújfalu–Nagy Bócs-dűlő (Dani – Szilágyi – Szelekovszky – Czifra – Kisjuhász 2006,
16); Gyenesdiás–Algyenes, Bartók Béla and Hámán Kató utca grave No. 64 (Müller 1989,
Abb. 2. 143–147, Abb. 3–5); Igar–Vámszőlőhegy, Petőfi u. 56. grave No. III (Marosi 1931, 6–7;
Fülöp 1987, 17. 8. ábra; Fülöp 1988, 167–168. Abb. 14); Komárno–8 Shipyard grave No. 142
(Trugly 1993, 213–214. Taf. L/4); Košice–Barca grave No. 4 (Pástor 1954, 137, Tab. I./1); Öskü–
Agyaggödör grave No. 2 (Rhé – Fettich 1931, 42–43); Želovce grave No. 818 (Čilinská 1973,
180, Taf. CXXX/12); Želovce grave No. 820 (Čilinská 1973, 180, Taf. CXXXI/1); Zillingtal grave
No. B-23 (Mehofer 2006, 162. Abb. B).
164 Kisköre–Halastó grave No. 24 (Garam 1979, Abb. 3. 13. Taf. 8, Taf. 29/2); Kunszállás–
Fülöpjakab (Szentpéteri 1993, No. 397; Lezsák 2008, 44–45).
165 Komárno–8 Shipyard grave No. 142 (Trugly 1993, 213–214. Taf. L/4); Košice–Barca grave
No. 4 (Pástor 1954, 137, Tab. I./1); Želovce grave No. 818 (Čilinská 1973, 180, Taf. CXXX/12);
Želovce grave No. 820 (Čilinská 1973, 180, Taf. CXXXI/1); Zillingtal grave No. B-23 (Mehofer
2006, 162. Abb. B).
166 Gyenesdiás–Algyenes, Bartók Béla and Hámán Kató utca grave No. 64 (Müller 1989, Abb.
- 143–147, Abb. 3–5); Igar–Vámszőlőhegy, Petőfi u. 56. grave No. III (Marosi 1931, 6–7;
Fülöp 1987, 17. 8. ábra; Fülöp 1988, 167–168. Abb. 14); Öskü–Agyaggödör grave No. 2 (Rhé –
Fettich 1931, 42–43).
167 Berettyóújfalu–Nagy Bócs-dűlő (Dani – Szilágyi – Szelekovszky – Czifra – Kisjuhász 2006,
16); Kisköre–Halastó grave No. 24 (Garam 1979, Abb. 3. 13. Taf. 8, Taf. 29/2); Kunszállás–
Fülöpjakab (Szentpéteri 1993, No. 397; Lezsák 2008, 44–45).