Edged Weapons 251
field on the sabre of Ozora-Tótipuszta,333 the spherical end on the crossguard
from grave No. 7 at Dunaújváros–Öreghegy,334 the triangular grooves divid-
Igar–Vámszőlőhegy, Petőfi u. 56. grave No. III (Marosi 1931, 6–7; Fülöp 1987, 17, 8. ábra;
Fülöp 1988, 167–168, Abb. 14); Kehidakustyán–Kehida, Központi Tsz-major grave No. 61
(Szőke 2002, 75, 11); Ozora–Tótipuszta grave No. 1 (Wosinsky 1896, 1000–1008, Taf. 252–
254; Hampel 1897. II. LV–LVII. táblák; Hampel 1905, III. Taf. 268; Bóna 1982–83, 104–109;
Garam 1992, 145–146, Taf. 61, Taf. 62/8); Wien XXIII–Liesing grave No. I (Mossler 1948, 220).
333 Wosinsky 1896, 1000–1008, Taf. 252–254; Hampel 1897, II. LV–LVII. táblák; Hampel 1905,
III. Taf. 268; Bóna 1982–83, 104–109; Garam 1992, 145–146, Taf. 61, Taf. 62/8.
334 Hekler 1909, 97–105; Fettich 1926a, 27–28; Marosi – Fettich 1936, 9–17, Taf. I–VI; Bóna 1970,
250, 3–8; Bóna 1971a, 249–250 (33–34), 271 (51); Bóna 1982–83, 62–64, No. 20a–d, Taf. 27–28,
35.9; Garam 1994–95, 134, 8. kép.
Figure 93 Crossguards of type CG.5 and the structure of crossguard type CG.5.a: Baracs–Ágocs-
tanya (Nagy 1901b, 285; Hampel 1905. I. 196–197, 470–471. kép, II. 628–629; Hampel
1907, 109–110; Csallány 1956, 109, No. 244; Bóna 1982–83, 110–111.).