This decoration is mainly distributed in the central region of the Carpathian
Basin, around the Danube-Tisza interfluve,418 however, some Transdanubian
examples are known.419 Their use is dated to the second half of the Early phase,
and is the characteristic style of the Bócsa–Kunbábony horizon.420
2.4 The Chape
Chapes covering the tip of the sword scabbard can be divided into three types,
only two of which will be described in the followings. The third type of chape,
which develops at the end of the Early phase and the beginning of the Middle
phase, of oval shape and with short rim, has a shape which cannot be easily
distinguished from hilt caps and therefore this type was discussed alongside
the latter artefacts.
Cylindrical chapes covered with gold, silver or copper alloy foil (CH.1)421 are
long (10–20 cm), cylindrical or conical in shape, and are usually framed by
Simon 1991, 294); Zsámbok grave No. 1 (Garam 1983, 140, Abb. 1/1–2, Abb. 6/1–2, Abb. 7;
Simon 1991, 312, 16. kép 14).
418 Ten examples, 83%.
419 Csákberény–Orondpuszta grave No. 150 (Kiss 1962, 70; Simon 1991, 290); Kölked–
Feketekapu A grave No. 227 (Kiss 1996, 69, Taf. 52/8).
420 Although there can be a chronological difference between cast and stamped examples,
it has not ben definitively proved. Cast decoration is more frequent on ring-pommel
swords, while stamped examples are mostly found on single-edged swords with P-shaped
suspension loops.
421 Csanytelek–Felgyői határút grave ‘A’ (Kürti 1979, 68; Kürti 1980, 1279–1280; Kürti 1983, 173,
- kép; Kürti 1990, 79–80, 1. kép; Simon 1991, 289; Lőrinczy – Szalontai 1993, 282, Taf. VII);
Csolnok–Szedres, Kenderföldek grave No. 13 (Erdélyi 1988, 195, 203; Somlósi 1988, 207–210,
fig. 1–2; Simon 1991, 290); Kiszombor O grave No. 2 (Csallány 1939, 125–126, I. t. 1–1a, 2.
kép 1; Csallány 1972, 23; Simon 1991, 295, 16. kép 5; Garam 1992, 142, Taf. 35–36); Kölked–
Feketekapu A grave No. 227 (Kiss 1996, 69, Taf. 52/8); Kunágota (László 1938; László 1950;
László 1955, LIX. t. 1; Bóna 1982–83, 88–89, 3. kép 9; Simon 1983, 37; Simon 1991, 299, 15. kép
1, 22. kép 1; Garam 1992, 137–138, Taf. 4–5); Kunmadaras–Újvárosi temető (Hampel 1905. II.
362; Bóna 1982–83, 115–117, 11. kép 1–4; Simon 1991, 299, 16. kép 15); Kunpeszér–Felsőpeszéri
út grave No. 9 (H. Tóth 1984, 12; Simon 1991, 299); Kunpeszér–Felsőpeszéri út grave No. 27
(H. Tóth 1984, 12; Simon 1991, 299); Kunpeszér–Felsőpeszéri út grave No. 30/A (H. Tóth
1984, 12; Simon 1991, 299); Kunszentmiklós–Bábony grave No. 1 (H. Tóth 1971, 15, 5. kép;
H. Tóth 1972a, 150, 4. kép; Simon 1991, 300, 15. kép 5; H. Tóth – Horváth 1992, 32–34, Taf.
V–VIII); Mór–Akasztódomb grave No. 25 (Török 1954, 56–58, 4. kép, IX. t. 1; Simon 1991,
302); Nagykőrös–Szurdok (Simon 1983, 9–43, 6–20. kép, II–VII. t.; Simon 1991, 302–303, 10,
kép 2, 15. kép 6, 17. kép 2, 23. kép); Szeged–Kundomb grave No. 180 (Csallány 1939, 137; Kürti
1983, 189; Simon 1991, 305. Salamon – Sebestyén 1995, 28, 55, Pl. 25/5); Szegvár–Sápoldal
(Bóna 1979, 5, 8, 3. kép 1; Bóna 1980, 48–52; Simon 1991, 306, 10. kép 4, 16. kép 10; Garam